Renewed Commitment
Return From Exile Cyrus the King of Persia allowed Jews to return to Israel in 536 BC Jews returned in three different waves Led by Zerubbabel Led by Ezra Led by Nehemiah
Zerubbabel Returned with the high priest Joshua Job was to rebuild the temple and restore worship of God in Israel Jews who returned had to donate money to help build the temple Jerusalem was still in ruins 50 years after the Babylon invasion
The New Temple Took several years to rebuild Work stopped on it several times Samaritans tried to stop the Jews from working on it because Jews refused their help Jews were depressed because it as not as nice as first temple
Ezra Almost 100 years after the first return Ezra was a scribe (someone who studies and copies the religious documents) Granted permissions to return by King Artaxerxes
Ezra’s Mission Ezra wanted to return the Jews to all of the Law of Moses Rededicated the temple Reintroduced sacrifices Told Jewish men to get rid of their foreign wives Recopied most of the Old Testament (especially the Torah) All of this was supported by Persia Exiled the Samaritans from Jerusalem (Mongrel Race)
Nehemiah About 20 years after Ezra Cupbearer for Artaxerxes Worried about the safety of the Jews in Jerusalem (no city walls)
Nehemiah's Mission Nehemiah allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls Had everyone work on the section of the wall by their homes Samaritans again tried to stop them Rebuilt the walls in 52 days Nehemiah was latter named governor of Judah
Notes Quiz Who was the king who allowed the Jews to return home? Who led the group of Jews who rebuilt the temple? What was one thing that Ezra did when he returned to Jerusalem? What group of people was considered a mongrel race by the Jews? How long did it take Nehemiah to rebuild he walls of Jerusalem?