Progressive Bingo
1. Dangerous working conditions in the meat packing industry were exposed in this famous novel The Jungle
2. These women had the greatest impact on women’s rights Susan B Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton
This Constitutional amendment granted women’s suffrage 19th Amendment
These people exposed political and business corruption through the media. Muckrakers
Constitutional amendment provided suffrage to African Americans 15th Amendment Constitutional amendment provided suffrage to African Americans
This amendment provides direct election of senators 2 per state 17th Amendment
Progressive reform that allows citizens to remove officials from office before the next election recall
Roosevelt split the Republican vote which allowed _________ to win President in Election of 1912 Woodrow Wilson
Ended Progressive Era WWI
Goal of the Progressives: _________ should be held more accountable to its citizens Government
Goal of the Progressives: Give________ more direct say in the gov’t Voters
New law that strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act Clayton Antitrust Act
Constitional Amendment that collects a federal tax 16th Amendment
Constitutional Amendment that prohibited alcoholic beverages 18th Amendment
Setting aside millions acres of land under public domain supports this ideal Conservationism
Process in which citizens can put a proposed new law directly on the ballet in the new election by collecting voter’s signatures on a petition Initiative
Type of election in which citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections Direct Primary
Process that allows citizens to approve or reject a law passed in the legislature Referendum
This type of government was created to restrict the power of political machines Municipal
The least popular of the three progressive presidents and not given enough credit William Howard Taft
Created as a getaway from the crowded cities parks
Initiative, recall and referendum were adopted into state and local gov’t to give citizens more ___________. power
Decision made by Taft that angered Progressives Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
Right to vote suffrage
Progressive Party emblem Bull Moose