Specialist accommodation for older people in Newcastle – Market Position Statement Denise Gillie – Adult & Culture Services Julie Bullen – Fairer Housing Unit
Five year older people’s housing delivery plan July 2012 NCC Cabinet endorsed the preparation of a suite of documents to support a 5 year delivery plan for older person’s housing First of these documents is a Market Position Statement for specialist housing for older people Completion of the full set of documents will go to Cabinet in March 2013 and will include a portfolio of Council owned sites and the proposed delivery routes to bring these forward
Market Position Statement The MPS has been informed by the following: Older Person’s Supported and Specialist housing Impact Assessment (PFA 2010/11) which highlighted the scale of the development required in the City Newcastle Future Needs Assessment (NFNA) – integrated, coherent and evidence based means for partners to work together to improve health and wellbeing Soft market testing in 2012 talking with developers, RP’s, voluntary and charitable sectors Joint piece of work between the Fairer Housing Unit and Adult and Culture Services
The evidence Newcastle’s population is ageing including those aged 85+ who have the greatest need for care and support Insufficient housing options to meet the growth in this sector of the housing market Very little specialist housing – 3 extra care schemes for rent and @50 units of supported housing for people with dementia Need to shift resources from residential care to housing based options Need housing for older people to support our aim to be an age friendly city
Priorities (1) Broader accommodation offer including extra care for sale and rent, retirement housing and housing for people with dementia plus bungalows and apartments Accommodation that meets the aspirations of older people – need to be clear what housing options are available and what they offer Accommodation that promotes independence – accessible and adaptable & a hub for care and support services into the community Sustainable in the long term – reviewing sheltered housing including 500+ bedsits
Priorities (2) New models of housing with access to care and support – by 2020 we expect to see the use of residential care substantially reduced Accommodation that contributes to lifetime neighbourhoods – new provision in the right locations and identify opportunities to provide services and facilities to the wider community Open for business – discuss potential development opportunities and encourage proposals that support our priorities, look at new ways of working in partnership with the market, look at ways of attracting private investment
Support for our partners Five year delivery plan commencing April 2013 Programme management and governance arrangements in place Programme team (housing and adult social care) to encourage partners to bring forward development proposals and provide advice on housing and care needs Design guidance – but we will not be too prescriptive and welcome ideas Bringing council owned sites forward – sell for less than best where the disposal will promote or improve the economic , social or environmental wellbeing of the area Developer guidance notes – principles for the development of sites required by planning and encourage a collaborative dialogue with the planning authority
What we’re doing now 40+ unit extra care scheme for rent developed with YHN – due to go on site June 2013 Nomination rights agreed for MHA extra care housing scheme Working with charity to develop a 16 unit scheme including provision for dementia care McCarthy & Stone developing a 54 unit Assisted Living scheme for sale due on site summer 2013 Consultation on the sale and development of Council owned sites to provide mixed tenure specialist accommodation for older people Developing a wider offer for older people based on prevention and early intervention using telecare linked to a range of city wide services YHn sheltered stock review and investment in remodelling
Contact details julie. bullen@newcastle. gov. uk denise Contact details julie.bullen@newcastle.gov.uk denise.gillie@newcastle.gov.uk