Comedy Film Posters By Coralie Hill
Me, Myself and Irene From this film poster you can see how the actors name is placed at the top of the page as the header, making it eye-catching and very noticeable for the audience to see. The white space at the back is very suitable for the audience to se the image Cleary and read the small amount of text that helps to advertise the movie. As you can see you have a small amount of text where is the white space is which is a slogan, which gives the audience a little guess to what the film is about and due to this one you can tell that he is goes from gentle to mental. The main character Jim Carry is also laced in the centre of the poster being the key element to the poster letting the audience know who he is and who is the main focus of the film. The image on the film poster shows the audience how the main character has a spilt personality due to the separation of the image and the difference in his facial expressions, giving the audience a sense of knowledge to what the film is about. You have a block of white text that is underneath the title of the movie that is very small which tells the audience more information like the other characters that are in the film and more. You are also shown the release date of the film so the audience are aware of when the film is being shown at cinemas or released on DVD, and by this poster you can see that the film is being shown in cinemas on June 23rd. You have the title of the film underneath the image of Jim Carry with the same font style and colour which gives it a nice balanced theme colour. The film posters uses very bright and clear colours with a unique images on Jim Carry which is a great way to attract the audience and also give them a sneak peak to what the film is about.
Big Mommas house The small red text underneath the grey text is the release date which in this case isn’t shown but only said to be only in theatres meaning the release date hasn't been decided yet. This is a poster of big mamas house and I decided to review this film as I have seen it before and found it very comical and fun and it also links well to what my film is about. This film poster is very bright and has a lot going on in it. You have a really nice house style that is simply in red which matches Big Mommas dress. The colours go well as there isn’t too many colours going on which makes it easy on the eye for the audience and fades out nicely. The background images is slightly faded which has been done well so there is a good amount of white space so the poster isn’t too full meaning the audience will b able to clearly read what is being displayed on the poster and have a good view of the information being held on it. There is a comical side to this poster as big mama seems to be scratching her bum which releases a good commercial value to the audience letting them know the genre of the film. You have the main actors name at the top of the poster who plays the main character Big Mama which is good advertisement as it lets the audience know automatically who it is as you cannot see her face and can draw the audience in if they are familiar with the actors work. As you can see the red text shown on this movie poster is slightly bolder and bigger then the rest of the text as it is the most important and is what is more important for the audience to see. You have the information at the bottom in grey which holds information like the characters, distribution companies and so forth. With movie posters you always have the main object in the middle of the page to attract the audience in .
American Pie 2 Just like all the over movie posters you have a clear image and professional layout with all the information needed that the audience will need to know about the film to show awareness of what kind of genre it is, release date, what it’s called, the characters and more. American Pie 2 is a American comedy where a bunch of teenagers are trying to get through life when come across troubles along the way. It’s an hilarious film and I decided to review this film poster as it is a comedy like mien and can inspire me with my own film poster. You have the characters names headlined underneath the bold title as this is the second American pie the audience will know the characters and will be more familiar with who the characters are. In this movie poster all the characters are included on the poster so the audience can see all of the actors and actresses which are in the film which can be really helpful for them and allows them to see if it is something that they would fine much interest in. There isn’t a specific release date on this poster and the only information we get on this is that the film is coming soon which tells us that the release date hasn’t been decided yet leaving us with something to wait for. The poster does a good job to attract the audience to it as there is a good amount of white space and then an image in the middle with a lot of characters which will make the audience want to look to see who is in it, and then having the bold red text at the top which is the title of the film. Not like most this move poster has a little slogan underneath the grey text which can be a little indication to what this movie focuses on and is a good way to draw the audience in with a catchy slogan. You also have some smaller text in grey that are the stars of the film showing their names, distribution companies and so forth.
Mrs Doubtfire Mrs Doubtfire is a pleasant film about a father of three who id going through a divorce with his wife so finding less time with his kids and having supervised visits, so he decided to disguise himself as a housekeeper, Mrs Doubtfire. The movie poster does show that the housekeeper Mrs Doubtfire is not actually a women, which lets the audience in to show the film has a bit of a twist to it. The title of the film is on the bottom left corner which makes a change form it being in the centre of the poster as that normally makes it more attractive and visible for the audience. However, the title of the film is bold enough to be seen should be placed in a better position and made bigger for further viewing. On this particular movie poster it doesn’t display the release date for the audience to see, this is very odd as it normally does but through my search I couldn't seem to find any movie posters for this film that contains the release date. This movie poster is very eye-catching as it is full with information and an image that fills the whole of the poster however, it isn’t to cluttered as the colours are very neutral and mingle well together making the poster easy on the eyes but also very eye-catching. There is a small amount of text at the top right of the movie poster in black which is very small to see, it’s a little slogan that goes well with what the film is about however, the text is very small to see which isn’t very professional and not suitable for the audience as its unreadable. You have more information at the bottom of the movie poster with all of the distribution companies, actors and more not as bold as the rest of the text as it isn't as important as the poster is just to advertise the film. This poster also shows all the main characters in the film which allows the audience to see who are the main characters in the film.
Grandma’s Boy This film poster doesn’t contain a lot of information on it and only shows the audience the image which is the main feature, the title and the film information in small grey text underneath which is mainly in grey and smaller as it’s less important then everything else. Grandma’s Boy is an American comedy about a 35 year older video gamer that has been kicked out of his flat and struggles to find a place to go, resulting to living with his grandma and her friends. Seeing this poster has made me want to review it as it relates to mine well and is also a comedy. This film poster just like Mrs Doubtfire also doesn’t have a release date which is always important to include with film posters, if not the release date acknowledging the public that the film is in theatres or coming soon. The poster isn’t like any of the others as it is a drawn out cartoon image which is very eventful, colourful and includes all of the characters in the film and showing their iconic ways telling the audience a bit about each character already before even watching the film. Because of the many colours in the image makes it easer to decided the colour of the title of the film which has been chosen to be a blue and red, which fits well with the image and is very professional and bold so the audience can clearly see it. The film isn’t animated or in cartoon but is advertising the film looking like it is which grasps the audience attention a little more due to the funny sketch that the characters are drawn in which shows a very comedic side to the film showing the audience that the film is one of a comedy without actually showing that through text. The film poster is effective and professional but would be draw in more of the audience and make it a better viewing for them if the release date and a slogan was added. This film poster is very effective and eye-catching due to the image that's the main focus on of the poster but doesn’t do well to tell the audience much about the film and when if the film is available to watch at cinemas or DVD and when.
Overall, I found that looking at all of these posters has opened my eyes on how my poster can be laid out and as through reviewing these posters it has told me that I don’t need to have a lot of detail or information on them as their are specific thing the audience needs to know and their isn’t a lot that should be added to it otherwise the audience may not have enough time to read it all of the posters are being shown somewhere like on a bus, billboard and so on. The only information that should be put onto a poster is the name of the film, the release date, an image, and the legal information underneath to show the audience who made the film, the belonging of, terms and conditions and other important ant information that must be added. However, sometimes posters will have other information added which can draw the audience eye a little more like a catchy slogan, the actors or actresses playing the characters in the film and a bit more information may be added to the poster. There shouldn't be a lot because that's where the website comes in where the most information should be added to so the audience are able to know all about the site with their own time. I have found that all of these posters are very similar as they all seem to have a larger image which is the main focus on the middle and then the title either at the top or bottom in bold and the rest of the information then is very small. Sometimes the release date will also be in bold depending on weather the release date is shown as sometimes it will just say that the film is coming soon which isn’t very important for the audience as they want to know what date the film will be out so they can make arrangement s to watch it. All of these posters are very professional and eye-catching as the image is clear and they use different types of body language to draw the audience in and different colours indicating what their target audience will be drawn to and find exciting so they will want to know more about the film and will want to watch it. I think after reviewing all of the posters that my favourite will have to be Big Mamas house. This is because when I first looked at the poster I could tell straight away that it was a comedy and before you even begin to look at any more information on the poster the image already gives away the story to the film as you have the old black women who is holding a bag and on the bag you have a ID of a younger black man which indicate that he is undercover as he is dressed as a old women and the sense of comedic value is already there by knowing this but also by how the elderly women has her hand up her skirt which gives off a comedic side and shows the audience what kind of film this will be without giving them a lot of information on the poster which is very important to do as a image is a good way to tell the audience what the film is about and is something that I want to do with my poster, however, it isn’t a very easy thing to do so might be very challenging however by using this research to help me out this task will be a lot more easier now I have more awareness of what I am doing and ways I can help myself to make them possible in a professional way. My film trailer idea links well with Big Mamas house which is another reason why I think this poster is the best as I will be able to gain a lot of ideas from this to enable myself to make my poster just as good. Conclusion
Main Actors/Actresses Shaped mock up designs Main Character Title of the film Slogan Main Actors/ actresses Main Actors/Actresses Image Film information Title of the film Slogan Image Title of the film Release date White space Image Release date Image Film information Film information Release date White space Release date Title of the film Film information