Latest standardisation measures for lifts Impact on SMEs Latest standardisation measures for lifts
Impact on SMEs Tools for maintenance and modernization Safety level of the standards EN 81-20 and 50 Design appraisal instead of a requirement of a standard Writing standards
Impact on SMEs Tools for maintenance, modernization or rescue in standard EN 81-20 When a special tool is for rescue, it must be available at installation site Example : unlocking key greater than 0,20m When a special tool is for maintenance or modernization, nothing is in the standard Example : soft to acces parameters of the lift The standards are safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts
Impact on SMEs Tools for maintenance or modernization EFESME/SBS have asked that these tools must also be at the installation site Answser of the TC10 WG1 : NO Reason invoked by TC10 WG1 : No sentence in the Annex 1 of the lift directive ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS
Maintenance or modernization by Impact on SMEs Tools for maintenance or modernization Is the lack of a special tool a safety risk ? The answer is clearly YES All the SMEs manufacturers give their tools All the Majors refuses to give a tool to access all the parameters of their lifts Maintenance or modernization by Product of Major as installer Other Major SMEs Major safe ? Having tools for maintenance or modernization is not sufficient : you also need training
Impact on SMEs Why only the SMEs ask to get tools and training ? The competition means that no elevator park is single brand Majors should therefore meet the same problem as SMEs and demand the dissemination of tools and parameters without restriction the reasons for this situation: mutual assistance between companies, impossible in my opinion, given the administrative risks, help between technicians without official agreement of companies, they can not ignore this situation, especially for tools, technicians from other companies and bringing their knowledge, but lacking the tools, other reason?
Impact on SMEs Situation in France WHY NOT IN EUROPE ? The departement of housing heard the SMEs The technical documentation The specific tools and instructions for use necesary for The maintenance The repair The return to service must be provided without restriction of duration of service At the request of the owner of the lift Under conditions of reasonable price and time WHY NOT IN EUROPE ?
Impact on SMEs Safety level of standards EN 81-20 and 50 Two ways to meet the essential health and safety requirements of the Lift Directive The use of standards as presumption of conformity or A design appraisal by NBL to obtain a certificate of design approval The question is : are standards the minimum safety level to answer the requirements of the Lift Directive ?
Impact on SMEs If the answer is YES If the answer is NO the lowest safety level for a requirement is the standard All solution with a design approval has at least the same level of safety If the answer is NO We have no reference level The risk is to have a solution with an insufficient level
Impact on SMEs Is the standard useful in the future ? For the Lift directive 2014/33/ UE we have two standards to answer to a requirement EN 81-1 during the transitional period EN 81-20 with a higher safety level more expensive With a risks analysis to obtain a certificat of design approval, we can continue to use a cheaper solution, that of EN 81-1 Drift of the use of design appraisal At the begining, it was for innovation Now, it is for financial solution
Impact on SMEs Certificat of design approval Certifies that a solution other than that of the standard is validated The Lift Directive asks instructions for normal use, maintenance, inspection, repair, periodic checks and rescue operation Does not fully describe the solution or environmental conditions Difficulties for maintenance and also for all other stakeholders Safety ?
Impact on SMEs Writing standard Many references to other standards by their numbers For exemple : This switch shall comply with the requirements of EN 60204-1:2006, 5.3.2 a) to d) and 5.3.3. This makes reading difficult for all SMEs do not have all these standards Are we sure that the other stakeholders have ? No, so we have accident risks
Impact on SMEs Conclusion : How to solve this problems Tools for maintenance and modernization By a requirement in the annex 1 of the Lift Directive Safety level of the standards EN 81-20 and 50 By a precision in Lift Directive of the safety level of harmonized standards Design appraisal instead of a requirement of a standard The certificat must clearly indicates all the modifications and instructions to maintain the lift Writing sandards Include all the spécifications in the standards the problem is not only that the competition is fair but also to have safe solutions
Thank you for your attention Impact on SMEs Thank you for your attention