Work on energy statistics in UNSD United Nations Statistics Division Oslo Group meeting May 2017
Current work on energy statistics in UNSD Status of publications Data work Capacity building Future work
Status of publications Two key publications have been prepared with substantial input from the Oslo Group: International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES) Energy Statistics Compilers Manual (ESCM) Both publications are finalized and have been submitted Recent administrative changes have put the actual processing and printing on hold However, both publications are available (in their current form) on the UNSD website at
Future steps for publications Both publications are still planned outputs Next steps are: Official editing (completed for IRES), typesetting, printing Translation (as parallel process) We are exploring ways to speed up these processes We may have to explore alternative options for translation Are there volunteers? The country examples for the ESCM are the dynamic part of the publication and will be continuously expanded
Data work UNSD continues to collect energy data worldwide Collection is based on IRES definitions and principles Data are published as: Energy Statistics Yearbook Energy Balances Electricity Profiles Included in the UNdata portal In the future, print publications may be reduced
Data work Sustainable Development Goals are now key concern UNSD provides data for the indicators in SDG Goal 7 UNSD data is also used in the Global Tracking Framework (GTF) of the SE4all initiative UNSD is working on a new outputs that have a more summary and analytical nature Pocketbook
Future work Is there a need to update IRES? Question has been raised in InterEnerStat discussions We are collecting input on this No clear direction emerged at this point One option could be to create supplementary materials dealing with specific topics In the meantime, ESCM country examples will be updated and added, which can include new techniques or target areas
Capacity building Although SDG are key concerns, future energy workshops will still focus on basic energy statistics, energy balances and will provide a link to the SDG indicators UNSD continues to focus on regional workshops Through some projects, individual countries may be supported Internal funding is an issue, which limits opportunities Need to look at alternative sources If support for workshops is needed, are there OG members ready to assist?
Further information on UNSD’s energy statistics work available at: