Share.Tec Kick-off meeting Genova, June 16, 2008 GSIC/EMIC Profile Share.Tec Kick-off meeting Genova, June 16, 2008
Share.Tec Kick-off meeting GSIC/EMIC: Group of Cooperative and Intelligent Systems / Education, Media, Informatics and Culture Active life since 1994 Teachers and researchers Telecom. and Computer Eng., Faculty of Education Valladolid Focus on CSCL Expertise in Learning design and Design patterns, Semantic search of tools, Service-oriented enactment, Mixed evaluation, Interaction analysis and Qualitative research Participation in FP6-IST Kaleidoscope NoE FP6-IST Grid4all, E-learning Tell, Mosaic Learning, etc. Genova, June 16, 2008 Share.Tec Kick-off meeting
Topic Areas in Share.Tec Metadata Migration Facility and Repository Population Technological partner in infrastructure (brokering and searching module) Contributions in Ontology and User Interface Resources: Several generated by pre-service teachers Material used in faculty of education Follows similar attempts for uniform access by teacher education in ICT Genova, June 16, 2008 Share.Tec Kick-off meeting
Outline of content & its context Genova, June 16, 2008 Share.Tec Kick-off meeting
Share.Tec Kick-off meeting Personnel Bartolomé Rubia Juan I. Asensio And … 2 doctoral students (engineering, education) Yannis Dimitriadis Guillermo Vega Genova, June 16, 2008 Share.Tec Kick-off meeting