9/15 & 18 2.3 WATER ACTIVITY: Water, Water Everywhere? NOTES & DIAGRAMS: Water VIDEO CLIP: NSF/NBC Water Cycle Will the World Ever Run Out of Water? Watersheds! Groundwater! Sewage Treatment Process ACTIVITY & JOURNAL: Code Blue
VID CLIP: Water Cycle NSF (7 min.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al-do-HGuIk
ACTIVITY: Water, Water Everywhere?
SALT WATER = 97.1% Ocean Sea
FROZEN WATER = 2.2% Ice Glaciers Snow Ice Bergs Ice Caps
ATMOSPHERIC = 0.1% Clouds Humidity Fog Mist
0.1% 0.3% 2.2% 97.1%
3A ALL WATER Draw & Label
4) What is irrigation? 5) Why is it so important?
VID CLIP: Watersheds! (5.5 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pwW2rlGIa8
6)A WATERSHED Is a DRAINAGE BASIN where water from rain or snow melt drains DOWNHILL into a larger BODY of WATER, such as a lake, reservoir, sea or ocean.
The DIVIDE of a watershed simply means the point at which the WATER will run one way or another – will it go DOWN the front or back of a SLOPE?
REVIEW 20) SKETCH THIS DIAGRAM INTO YOUR NOTES The drainage basin of a WATERSHED ACTS LIKE A FUNNEL, collecting all the water within the area covered by the basin and channeling it into a waterway the eventually goes into a lake or ocean if it is not diverted first. Be sure to include: Precipitation Tributary Ground Water (Aquifer) Divide
Georgetown is located in the SAN GABRIEL WATERSHED Georgetown is located in the SAN GABRIEL WATERSHED. The San Gabriel River joins the Little River five miles south of Cameron when then meets the BRAZOS RIVER northwest of College Station.
RUN OFF is the rain water or snow melt that drains DOWNHILL RUN OFF is the rain water or snow melt that drains DOWNHILL. It is a natural process, but often ERODES soil and carries POLUTANTS along with the water.
8) Draw this RIVER SYSTEM diagram into your notes. Be sure to include: Source Tributary Confluence Flood Plain Distributary Mouth
VID CLIPS: Groundwater! (4 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9NSPzBe-w0
When it rains, some water soaks into the ground
REVIEW 22) An AQUIFER is an UNDERGROUND layer of earth, gravel, or porous (SPONGE-LIKE) stone that holds WATER. Aquifers in Texas
A RECHARGE ZONE is an area where the process that allows water to REFILL an AQUIFER takes place. This process occurs naturally when RAINFALL FILTERS down through the soil or rock into an AQUIFER. RECHARGE ZONE
2.3 Water Journal Explain 2 things that you didn’t know about water before today’s lesson and explain in detail why they are important to know about. How does the pollution we discussed in the Code Blue Activity contribute to the scarcity of fresh water? How will what you learned today in class change the ways you use water in your daily routines?
VID CLIP: Sewage Treatment Process (8 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8isr9nSDCK4
Unit 1 & 2 Test + Binder/Folder Check Coming Next Week
VID CLIP: Water Scarcity (3.5 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyzvcrZIuf0&t=25s
VID CLIP: Will the World Ever Run Out of Water? (6 min.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW_VaFE3P-c
VID CLIP: Fresh Water Scarcity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otrpxtAmDAk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otrpxtAmDAk
VID CLIP: Where Do We Get Our Fresh Water? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz6AQXQGupQ