Homework Literacy Connection: Leadership: September 25, 2017 Mark your Calendar *Sept 25-27 Salvation Army Angel Tree: Sign up at Mary Wood Weldon library lower level meeting room 9:00-2:00 *Sept 29 at 11:00 Grandparent’s Day *Oct 2-6 Fall Break *Oct. 19 – Picture Day *Oct. 24 – Fall Family Fun Night *Oct. 25 –Trip to Dennison’s *Oct. 27–Trip to Diversicare Homework Please help your child cut out shapes from a magazine or newspaper and send them into school by THURS. to be used in 1 of our large group activities. Literacy Connection: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Leadership: Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind This week we will: Learn about 2 dimensional shapes, Complete activities that features shapes Make an AB pattern with shapes. Sort shapes Create a pizza using shapes Use play dough to outline shapes Play games using shapes Read stories that feature shapes Reminder During our Grandparent’s Day Celebration, please arrive and leave on schedule, as there is more than one celebration on this day. Space in our gym and parking lot is limited. Also, if your child will be leaving after the program, please notify his/her teacher. Thank you!