Computer Use Guidelines CTE Intro Business Lab
Computers are Important Tools! Internet Research Learning Software Word Processing Multimedia Presentations
Acceptable Use Agreement Before using a computer at school, carefully read and sign the district Acceptable Computer Use Agreement Your parents must also sign it. It must be on file with the school!
Login Process Obtain the proper Username and Password from your instructor Never give your password to anyone!! If you forget your password, ask your instructor for help!
Login Process You are responsible for what happens on a computer when it is logged in under your name! NEVER NEVER NEVER SHARE YOUR LOGIN WITH ANYONE!!!
Respect Our School Equipment! Keep pens and pencils away from the computers. Do not draw on or disfigure any part of the computer! If we take care of the equipment, it will last a long time.
Respect our School Equipment NEVER Bring Candy, Drinks, Gum or any food near the computers! NOT EVEN WATER!!!
Respect our School Equipment MAGNETS are ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN near the computers!!!
ELIMINATE VIRUSES!!! Do not put ANYTHING in the computer. If you need to use a disk or CD, contact your teacher for permission first!
Downloads Do not download internet plug-ins, graphic images, games or sound clips (MP3 files) unless you are specifically assigned to as part of an assignment. Do not bring any software from home to install on the computers. If you are assigned to download a sound clip or image, they must NOT be offensive, obscene or inappropriate. Do not play sounds unless they are part of your presentation. Do keep the speaker volume low.
E-mail & Internet Policy DO NOT use school computers to check, send or receive e-mail unless you are specifically instructed to do so. DO NOT access the internet without permission YOU MAY ONLY access websites you are given permission to access by your teacher. VIOLATION of these policies may result in loss of all computer privileges at school.
Computer Settings Don’t change the wallpaper or screensaver. Don’t download wallpapers or screensavers from the internet Don’t change desktop schemes: colors, fonts, etc. Don’t change the mouse or monitor settings.
Computer Settings Don’t change the wallpaper or screensaver. Don’t download wallpapers or screensavers from the internet Don’t change desktop schemes: colors, fonts, etc. Don’t change the mouse or monitor settings.
Computer Settings Don’t change the wallpaper or screensaver. Don’t download wallpapers or screensavers from the internet Don’t change desktop schemes: colors, fonts, etc. Don’t change the mouse or monitor settings.
Acceptable Use Students who don’t follow the Acceptable Use Agreement will lose computer privileges throughout the entire school!!!
Printers Only Print when you are asked to. Hit the Print Preview button before you Print. Don’t print more than once if the document doesn’t print!
Problems Report any problems or error messages to your instructor. DO NOT attempt to fix them yourself DO NOT restart the computer.
Protect your work!!! Name and Save your project shortly after you start it. Save often (not less than every 5 minutes.
Log Off When you are finished working, Log the computer off but don’t shut it down. Leave the computer ready for the next user. Don’t leave messages on the Login Screen!
Etiquette Many classes use our lab. Before you leave, please take a minute and clean up the area around your computer.
Fire Drills!!! You may find yourself at the computer when the fire alarm goes off. For your safety, please follow these guidelines.
Fire Drills!!! Do not log off computers! Do leave the room as quickly and orderly as possible Do follow school evacuation procedures as demonstrated by your teacher.