November 29th, 2017
meeting Wednesday in room 131 3:45-4:30 Science Bowl Team meeting Wednesday in room 131 3:45-4:30
Food Drive for Dominica Hello Sellwood Students we are collecting food to support the people of Dominica impacted by hurricane Maria. We are looking for pre-made, canned items, such as.... Canned Tuna Canned Spaghetti Canned beans Canned fruit Canned chicken **Boxes will be at the entrance door for each grade so you can drop off your items before heading to your 1st period class. THANK YOU!
Season of Giving begins Today!!! This is the time of year where we help those in need. Each 1st period classes will collect money (cash or check). Each day donations will be added up by peer helpers to see which 1st period class wins. Who can beat reigning champions, Mrs. Reisman’s math class?!
PEAK Winter registration now open *Chess Club *Science Engineering Challenge *Drawing Comic Book Character & Super Heroes PACKETS ON PEAK DOOR
Who: 7th and 8th graders who love solving tricky math problems Who: 7th and 8th graders who love solving tricky math problems. 6th graders welcome as mathletes-in-training. When: Every Tuesday morning, 8-9 AM. Where: Room 317 (Ms. White’s Room) Why: To compete to represent Sellwood at the competition in February! Learn more on Friday, 12/1, during 2nd lunch in room 315 (Ms. Sherman’s room)