Mediterranean Civilizations The Ancient World Chapter 2, Section 4
Eastern shore of Mediterranean Sea Phoenicia: Geography Eastern shore of Mediterranean Sea Colonies along the southern shore (to the west) of the Mediterranean and in many places along the northern shore Colonies on both sides of Mediterranean where it meets the Atlantic Ocean
Phoenicia: Natural Resources Few natural resources, but what Phoenicia had were important resources Snails that produced a rich purple dye could be gathered on the shores of Tyre Forests of cedar trees
Phoenicia: Trade World’s first trading empire / great sea power Had ships that were able to be sailed all over Mediterranean and out into the Atlantic Stories told about sea monsters may have been designed to keep other people from trading in the Atlantic (reduce competition) Gather snails in Tyre / rich purple dye / highly valued by rich people and sold at very high prices (made Tyre a wealthy city) Brought goods from entire Mediterranean region to bazaars in Tyre and Sidon Figs, olives, honey, spices Strange animals (giraffes, warthogs, bears)
How did their reliance on trade lead to the development of the Phoenician alphabet? Why didn’t the just use cuneiform? Trading requires keeping careful track of what a trader has to sell and what has been sold Cuneiform was very complicated and scribes were generally needed to read and write in cuneiform It was not practical for traders to rely on scribes, so an easier way to write was needed so that more people would be able to keep track of business
Narrowed down to 22 symbols How did the Phoenician alphabet make writing something that more people could learn? Lots of trading = need for simple writing (cuneiform was too complicated) Narrowed down to 22 symbols Each symbol represented a specific consonant sound Simple system allowed more people to learn to read and write / reduced the control scribes had over writing
Who was Abraham? Why was he so significant to the Israelites? Abraham led his people to a belief in one God, which was a very different belief than the polytheistic beliefs of most Sumerians According to the Bible, God spoke to Abraham and promised to make the Israelites into a great nation Abraham led the Israelites out of Mesopotamia to Canaan to establish a new place for them to live
Why did the Israelites flee south to Egypt? Israelites experience a period of time while they were in Canaan when they were running of food and facing starvation (famine) The Israelites left Canaan to move south into Egypt
What positive and negative experiences did the Israelites have during their time in Egypt? Lived well for 600 years Many served in powerful positions in government Gained wealth and power Egyptian king grew jealous of their power / suspicious of wealth Many Israelites were enslaved in Egypt as a result
Provide details about each of these leaders: According to the Bible: Moses: Led the enslaved Egyptians out of Egypt and through the desert looking for a new home and passed on the Israelites the commandments that were given to him by God Saul: Helped Israelites to win wars as they conquered Canaan David: Also helped lead the Israelites to military victories as they conquered Cannan and united the 12 Israelite tribes into one nation / made the capital Jeruselum Solomon: Was David’s son and led the kingdom to be place of successful trade. Sold palm and olive oils, honey, fruits, vegetables, grain to nearby lands Sea trade / gold
What happened after Solomon’s death? Why did this happen? Building projects Solomon had started were very expensive and led to difficult times / reduced wealth Kingdom split into two kingdoms Northern kingdom = Israel Southern Kingdom = Judah Assyrians conquered the Kingdom of Israel Israelites were punished by being send to different and distant parts of the empire 135 years later – Judah was conquered by Chaldeans and Judans were sent to far off places as well
The Rise of the Israelites A small band of people, the Israelites, settle along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Abraham leads the Israelites out of Mesopotamia to their new home in Canaan.
A famine spreads across Canaan and the Israelites flee south to Egypt. The Israelites live in Egypt for 600 years until an Egyptian king enslaves them because he is jealous of their power. Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt and they wander the Sinai Peninsula for 40 years.
The Israelites move back into Canaan and build their own cities The Israelites move back into Canaan and build their own cities. Two kings lead them into victories in war. Saul, the first king of the Israelites, and David, who united the 12 tribes into a single nation. David’s son, Solomon, becomes king when he dies and Israel grows wealthy because of trade.
Solomon transforms the city of Jerusalem into a magnificent capital building a grand temple. After his death, it split into two kingdoms. The northern kingdom was called Israel and the southern kingdom was called Judah. The Assyrians later seized the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah later fell to the Chaldeans.