Africa Larger than the United States and all of the countries in Europe combined.
Yes, I know it’s Wednesday! However, I’m here to tell you that I was vital in trade. The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world and reaches temperatures as high as 136 degrees Fahrenheit.
Color the Sahara, on your map.
Physical Map Listing the Sahara desert on your map is listing the physical features. You will also list important rivers.
Draw the Niger River
Resource Maps Lists important resources of a region. This map lists natural resources of Africa: Oil, diamonds, copper, gold, uranium,… .
Political Maps Show boundaries of countries, states, cities, empires,… . You currently have a political map of West African countries as they appear today. You will show how they appeared when the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay (Songhai) ruled.
West Africa
Your Turn Now it is your turn. Go to my website and locate your country. Answer the questions and fill in the map. Respond to the Post Assessment. Other sources: Printed Reading Textbook p. 362-367. Map on p. 364.