Accountability arrangements for middle schools 17th October 2017
Overview Policy overview – recent developments Brief discussion of consultation options Your suggestions for middle school accountability
Recent developments in accountability policy New progress measures Floor standard and coasting Special arrangements for middle schools Feedback from 2016 Data is a starting point Primary assessment consultation and plan for all-through primaries Reception-KS2 measures KS1 non-statutory
Two options set out in the consultation Option 1 - reception to key stage 1 progress measures for infant and first schools, and key stage 1 to 2 progress measures for junior and middle schools. This would require maintaining statutory key stage 1 teacher assessments for pupils in infant and first schools. Option 2 - hold all schools to account on the basis of reception to key stage 2 measures, hopefully encouraging greater collaboration between infant, first, junior and middle schools.
Option 1 On-entry and exit assessments which covers the years middle schools have pupils. School types would be compared against each other rather than all other schools with KS2 provision. Group discussion: What are your views on a greater number of assessments for pupils who attend middle schools than all-through primaries? Which years would it be most appropriate for the assessments to be introduced? Or would it be up to the school to decide based on their cohort entry points? What do you think about middle schools being compared to each other rather than all other schools?
Option 2 Reception to key stage 2 progress measures for all school types, with this data used only for context in middle schools Would enable comparison with other school types, albeit with caveats Potential for greater collaboration with other schools Group discussion: Is there a way this option could work for middle schools, if the data was used only for context? Or is this option not feasible for middle schools? - Could a form of shared accountability work for middle/ secondary schools. What would this look like?
Is there the appetite for infant and junior schools to federate? Do you have any alternative ideas? What do you feel the most appropriate arrangements for middle schools are? Is there the appetite for infant and junior schools to federate? Should we be asking them about what that they think about accountability for infant schools if views on this haven’t already come about throughout the session?
Thank you and next steps