Welcome to TGT Evaluation of Wireless Performance


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to TGT Evaluation of 802.11 Wireless Performance Nov 2004 Welcome to TGT Evaluation of 802.11 Wireless Performance Charles R. Wright charles_wright@azimuthsystems.com C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards Nov 2004 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG/TG/SG Meetings Nov 2004 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG/TG/SG Meetings Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at patcom@ieee.org Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

A Friendly Reminder… Don’t forget to log your attendance! Nov 2004 A Friendly Reminder… Don’t forget to log your attendance! www.802wirelessworld.com Attendance server problems? Talk to Harry Worstell C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Proposed Agenda for San Antonio Meetings (1/2) Nov 2004 Proposed Agenda for San Antonio Meetings (1/2) Chair comments Appoint secretary Approval of agenda Approve minutes Berlin 11-04/1166r0 Call for presentations (in order specified) 11-04/1203r1 – “Proposed template for TGT draft”, Tom Alexander, 15 min 11-04/1419r0 – “A Taxonomy of Metrics”, Tom Alexander, 15 min 11-04/1420r0 – “Link layer metrics proposal”, Tom Alexander, 45 min 11-04/1402r0 – “Traceable Measurements of 802.11 PHY Layer Performance”, Michael Foegelle, 45 min 11-04/1397r0 – “Rate vs. Range Test Methodology”, Fanny Mlinarsky, 20 min 11-04/1222r1 – “Measurement Methodology Based on Approved Framework”, Fahd Pirzada, 45 min (9 AM Wednesday, discussion extended to Thursday, 10:30 AM, for ½ hour) 11-04/1476r0 – “A Proposed Controlled Open Air Test Methodology”, Mark Kobayashi, 45 min 11-04/xxxx – Second usage scenario (multimedia/streaming), Fahd Pirzada (withdrawn by presenter) C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Proposed Agenda for San Antonio Meetings (2/2) Nov 2004 Proposed Agenda for San Antonio Meetings (2/2) Appointment of editor Chair comments / progress from telecons This document – “Short Refresher on Standards Development in 802.11” Discussion: 11-04/863r2 “Test Plan Template,” and proposal requirements and selection criteria Presentations Given in the order listed above New Items / Any other Business Approve minutes from last telecon, 11-04/1417r0 11-04/1466r0, “Some Concepts of Rate Management Testing”, Mike Wilhoyte 11-04/1397r0 – “Rate vs. Range Test Methodology”, Fanny Mlinarsky, 20 min (moved from previous place on agenda due to conflicts) Other Task Group motions Planning for January meeting Standing Orders: 5:00 PM Thursday – any late votes that must meet the 4-hour rule C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Meeting Schedule for week Nov 2004 Meeting Schedule for week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:00 TGT TGT 10:00 10:30 30 minute recess TGT TGT 12:30 Lunch 1:30 TGT 3:30 4:00 Closing business, motions at 5:00 pm 6:00 Dinner 7:30 Opening, confirm editor, secretary, writing drafts, template discussion 9:30 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Timeline Going Forward Nov 2004 Timeline Going Forward … August 16 (?) NESCOM Approval! September 802.11 meeting First meeting as a TG Technical Presentations! November Proposals for inclusion into draft January March Review of draft in preparation for LB We are here! C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Progress since Berlin Held six teleconferences Presentations/notes: Nov 2004 Progress since Berlin Held six teleconferences Presentations/notes: 11-04-1156-01-000t-bottom-up-evaluation-802-11-performance-testing.ppt 11-04-1215-00-000t-measurement-methodology-proposal-based-approved-framework.ppt 11-04-1226-00-000t-link-layer-metrics-proposal-tgt.ppt 11-04-1397-00-000t-rate-vs-range-test-methodology.ppt C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

A Short Refresher on Standards Development in 802.11 Nov 2004 A Short Refresher on Standards Development in 802.11 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

50,000 foot view of the process Nov 2004 50,000 foot view of the process Call for Interest (9.1.1) Study Group (9.1.2) Task Group (9.1.3) Working Group Ballot (9.1.4) Sponsor Ballot (9.1.5) Standards Board Approval (9.1.6) Publication (9.1.7) Paragraph references are from 802.11 Policies and Procedures, 11-04/510r0 We are here 2 months to 1 year 2 months to 4 years 2 months to 1 year 1 to 3 months C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

How to write a draft Write a proposal Nov 2004 How to write a draft Write a proposal Describe in a MSWord document a list of “instructions to the editor” (aka “draft normative text”). For whole new sections, this will be 100% new text/figures. Create Powerpoint presentation based on above to describe salient details Submit both docs to server at least 4 session hours before intent to vote on proposal The “4-hour rule” is part of 802.11 rules and is strenuously enforced Why? It gives people time to read, understand and consider the proposal TGT can also rule that longer period of time is required Helpful to announce existence of the documents through the reflector Make presentation before the group Make motion to accept proposal (the “draft normative text”) into the draft 75% majority required for any changes to a draft (additions/changes/deletions) If approved by group, editor will incorporate into the draft C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Another way to write a draft Nov 2004 Another way to write a draft Have an open discussion of some aspect of the draft Ask editor if the direction is clear If answer is “yes,” editor is empowered to make the necessary changes Approve by a vote the outcome, expressed as a written motion Both methods are acceptable under the right circumstances! C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

802.11 process for draft approval Nov 2004 802.11 process for draft approval 802.11 Policies & Procedures 11-04/510r0, §9.1.4 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

What happens in Sponsor Balloting? Nov 2004 What happens in Sponsor Balloting? Voters in the “Sponsor Pool”: Review draft Make comments Vote Task Group must Resolve these comments Create revised draft Submit for another round of review and voting Process follows similar flow chart as on previous slide Sponsor Ballot pool formed by WG chair from interested individual members of IEEE Standards Association (SA) C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Nov 2004 Rules about Drafts Offical drafts are owned by IEEE and available only to Voting members (through http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/11/) 802.11 meeting attendees (http://www.802wirelessworld.com/), at the meeting only In other words, you will need to be a voting member or come to the meetings to get current copies of the draft! C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Slides created during the meeting Nov 2004 Slides created during the meeting C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Nov 2004 Straw Poll #1 Is the group in favor of accepting document 11-04/1203r1 as the starting point for the TGT draft, provided clauses 5,6,7,8 are deleted? Yes: 16 No: 0 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Questions from IETF BMWG Nov 2004 Questions from IETF BMWG Minimize the radio-specific aspects of the testing, and hence minimize the variability of the results. The Signal to Noise Ratio Section (3.5.9) is primarily where the topic is addressed, - but there are other key points throughout Section 3.5 Test Conditions. I'm interested to know if the committee members agree that the repeatability goal was achieved in Tom & Scott's draft C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Nov 2004 New Business C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Upcoming Telecon Schedule Nov 2004 Upcoming Telecon Schedule 15 16 17 18 19 802 Plenary San Antonio Thanksgiving (USA) Dec 2 Telecon Dec 9 Telecon Dec 16 Telecon Dec 23 Dec 30 Jan 6 Telecon Jan 13 Telecon 802.11 Interim Monterey C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Nov 2004 Backup Information C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Teleconference Info Date: Thursdays Time: 12 AM Eastern time (1600 UT) Nov 2004 Teleconference Info Date: Thursdays Time: 12 AM Eastern time (1600 UT) Duration: 1 hour Phone #  1-877-842-9288 International: +1-847-597-8068 Passcode: 827 235 Next: December 2, 2004 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

Email Reflector Original reflector: stds-wpp@ieee.org Nov 2004 Email Reflector Original reflector: stds-wpp@ieee.org Set up under aegis of EMC Society 802.11 reflector: stds-802-11-tgt@ieee.org Requires 802.11 membership to send to it Can be monitored through 802.11 web site 802.11 rules require all SG communication to be through reflector Use of WPP reflector will be discontinued after March 802.11 meeting C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

References for 802.11 Newcomers (1 of 2) Nov 2004 References for 802.11 Newcomers (1 of 2) Web site: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/11/ Document server: http://www.802wirelessworld.com/ Sign up for an account No need to be an 802.11 member to get an account Once logged in, “join” 802.11: Click on “802.11 WLAN WG” on left In center window, choose to become a new member Click again on “802.11 WLAN WG” An additional subitem called “Documents” will be revealed – click on it You’ve reached the document server! C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

References for 802.11 Newcomers (2 of 2) Nov 2004 References for 802.11 Newcomers (2 of 2) Document numbering scheme WG-YY-NNNN-RR-gggg-English-document-title.ext WG = 802 working group number, e.g. “11” as in 802.11 YY = two digits of year NNNN = document number RR = document revision number gggg = 802.11 group to which the document pertains Example: 11-04-0187-00-0wpp-telecon-agenda-19-feb-04.ppt C. Wright, Azimuth Systems