Lesson 5 – Introduction to Psychology DATE: xx September 2017 HEADING: Debates Within Psychology: Nature vs Nurture Lesson 5 – Introduction to Psychology Learning Challenge: You will be able to: Define the term Nature Define the Term Nurture Evaluate the debate of nature vs nurture
Starter Think about what makes you, YOU. Do you think you are who you are because you were born that way or because of the environment you grew up in? If you think both play a role, how much does each one play a role? Be ready to discuss.
Let’s Read: The nature vs nurture debate Page 13 Whole Class
Do the “Your turn” activity on page 13 (Silent independent work) Make sure your work is neat and presentable
ANSWER NATURE: Deterministic view in Psychology that suggests all behaviour is determined by hereditary factors. Nature is your genes. This view states that your physical and personality traits will stay the same irrespective of where you were born and raised. These days it has become a case of ‘how much’ rather than ‘either or’ in the nature vs nurture debate because there are too many facts to support both sides of the argument.
Let’s watch a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chzDR3feSHY
Let’s Read: Nature vs Nurture Page 14 Whole Class
Do the “Your turn” activity on page 14 Make sure you are ready to discuss your answer afterwards.
Let’s watch a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k50yMwEOWGU
Plenary Now that you know more about the debate, could you write down 3 things about you that you think came from nature? Also write down a 3 things about you that you think came from nurture. Be ready to share.