My Passion Project- YouTube Videos by Julia Fritsch
Why YouTube Videos? So my passion project is making gaming YouTube videos. I’ve loved video games since I was about seven, and was introduced by my good friend Andrea. -I began watching YouTube videos of the games I loved a few years back and discovered that I could make my own videos. I tried it, and fell in love with the concept. -I’m still making videos today, and I’m here to provide a basic tutorial on making gaming videos.
Recording the Screen There are several programs that can be used to record gameplay. Here are some programs that I personally recommend for this vital element. you can find all of these softwares, excluding Quicktime Player, online. -Movavi Screen Capture (paid) -Bandicam (paid) -Fraps (paid) -Dxtory (paid) -Quicktime Player (free, built into most Mac computers)
Recording the Audio Audio is probably the second-most important component in a video. These are some examples of software that I’d recommend for recording audio, listed here: -Audacity (free) -WavePad (free) -Reaper (paid) -Audio recorder built into screen recorder (depends on software)
Microphones and Pop Filters: Explained External microphones are essential for quality audio in one’s videos. One can also use the microphone that is built in, but the quality is substantially worse. -Pop filters are a mounted screen that should be placed in front of your microphone. When one makes the “p” sound, the microphone picks it up in a strange way and that syllable is somewhat messed up, creating a crackle in the audio. -A pop filter minimizes or deletes this noise, so I’d definitely recommend getting one. Pop filters can also be referred to as windscreens.
Microphones and Pop Filters- Pictures
Microphones Pop Filters The microphone I personally use is the Samson Go Mic, which is a fairly cheap, good quality microphone. These are my personal recommendations for microphones: -Samson Go Mic -Blue Snowball Microphone -Blue Yeti Microphone As I explained previously, pop filters are pretty important, though not necessary. These are some decent quality pop filters: -Neewer Studio Microphone Pop Filter -Foam Windscreen for Large Microphones -Blue Microphones The Pop Universal Pop Filter *The first pop filter listed can be mounted on a desk and used with any microphone.
Recording Here’s a short video on how to record Minecraft with Movavi Screen Capture, Audacity, a Samson Go Mic, and a pop filter: And here’s a picture of my computer set up as of December 2015:
Commentary Commentating can be difficult for some people at first; you’ll find your commentary style if you do it often enough. For example, I found my intro after doing videos for nearly four months. -One rule of commentary that should come as a given, NEVER GO SILENT (unless you intend on editing it out). Nobody would want to watch a video without talking in it! -If you’re having trouble commentating at first, I suggest recording with a friend or two. That way, you can keep up conversation while getting gameplay footage.
Editing and Uploading
Thumbnails Here’s how to make a thumbnail using Picmonkey: Thumbnails are the “pretty pictures” that appear next to a video and really encourage a viewer to click on the video. Making a thumbnail can be fairly hard at first, but with thumbnails, practice makes perfect. -You can make a thumbnail with both Photoshop and a free website called ( Here’s how to make a thumbnail using Picmonkey:
Editing in the “Funny Moments” Style The “funny moments” style is a way of editing that involves cutting out boring parts and leaving in interesting or funny moments. This is the type of editing that I use most, as I personally find it the most entertaining. Here’s how:
Editing in Background Music Background music is a way to eliminate obnoxious background noise and to give your videos another dimension. You can download COPYRIGHT FREE music and use it in your videos, which I definitely recommend for the reasons listed above! Here’s how:
Editing in Transitions Spongebob time cards (as much as I dislike the show), technical difficulties screens, and classic transitions can add another element to your videos, and I definitely recommend it. Here’s how:
Uploading When uploading your video, make sure to write titles that are descriptive AND RELATED TO THE VIDEO. -The title, along with the thumbnail, really encourages possible viewers to watch the videos you create. -Another important aspect of uploading is the description. This describes your video, and is also a good place to link the game you where playing, copyright-free music you may have used, and if you have any, social media. -Another part of uploading are the tags, which help people find your videos. Make sure they are related to the video!
The Literal Beginning of the End
My Inspirations There are a lot of YouTubers from around the world that inspired me to create a channel of my own, and here’s a list! -Vikkstar123 -MM7games -ZerkaaPlays -LDShadowLady -danisnotonfire -amazingphil -TBNRfrags -ParkerGames
The Video I Am Most Proud of... …is 31 minutes and 49 seconds long, but I’ll link it if you’d like to watch it! -
THE END By now, you should know the basics of making gaming videos, whether you’d like to pursue it or not. Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you in the next… whoops that’s my outro! Thanks for listening, and maybe you can be the next big gaming YouTuber!
Sources -My Channel (yay for self-promotion!)-