405 First Grade News January 29, 2016


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Presentation transcript:

405 First Grade News January 29, 2016 Daily 3 This week we have enjoyed the snowy weather. We made our room look like a winter wonderland. We learned to fold and cut paper to make the most interesting snowflakes. They are beautiful! Continue to read every night for 20 minutes. The 600 Minute Six Flags Reading Program is due in February. During Daily three this week we are practicing our word work spelling patterns, listening to reading, writing stories about penguins on ice, playing sight word sentence game, reading on the computers using My ON and reading with me. Homework Reminder Just a reminder that this is the last week to read for our January calendars so keep reading every day. Also next Friday is our 100th day so please bring your 100 things for counting in the next day or so. Also everyone should have a decorated cereal box at school for our valentines. Please bring this to school in the next week. Thanks to all who plan to help or donate items for the valentines party. The children are really looking forward to a fun party. I appreciate all of you. Reading This week in reading workshop we focused on retelling stories we read. We practiced with a story called Tacky the Penguin. He gets himself in all sorts of interesting situations just because he is a little different than his friends. We learned about the author’s purpose for writing too. In this story we learned that you have to be yourself! Writing In writing we are beginning our creative writing stories. We are using the writing process and working hard to make our stories interesting and ready to publish! We will be sharing these stories with you soon. Math/Social Studies/Science In Math, we are working with numbers on a hundreds chart. We can put two digit numbers in order from least to greatest. We can compare two digit numbers. We used a pan balance to compare different quantities of numbers. Today we compared numbers by greater than or less than. We have used or thinking notebook to solve puzzles about two digit numbers. In Science, we are learning about the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. We discussed where these regions are on the map and what type of animals live in these polar regions. We began our Arctic unit learning facts about arctic animals and making a polar animal trading card to share with you. In Social Studies, we learned about wants and needs. We also learned about goods and services. We learned that a small kernel of popcorn provides jobs for many people in manufacturing, farming, advertising, trucking and clerking. HAVE FUN AT BINGO NIGHT TONIGHT!!! TOP DOG Maryah was our top dog last week. She shared about her family and places she likes. She likes gymnastics and girl scouts. Her mom came to read a funny book about dogs called Joshua is the top dog this week. He told us about his family and what he likes best and that is skiing. His dad is coming today to share with us. Warm Winter Wishes, Mrs. Gibson becky.gibson@lz95.org or 847-540-2826