Technology in Athletics Current Issues in Sport
Learning Outcomes Understand how athletic events have improved due to technological advancements
**TASK** Draw up a table of all the technological advancements in athletics and how they improve performance Technology Improvement? Running spikes More grip = run faster/break world records M2 – results in? More people are encouraged to watch/increase participation
Technological advancements Spikes Electronic starting blocks All weather tracks Techniques – Fosbury flop (high jump) Clothing
Running shoes/spikes Different shoes for different events Running Shoes Technology
Electronic starting blocks Used to hold their feet so they do not slip, better traction and force to propel themselves forward In track and field sprints, the IAAF has a rule that if the athlete moves within 0.1 seconds after the gun has fired the athlete has false-started. This figure is based on tests that show the human brain cannot hear and process the information from the start sound in under 0.10 seconds
All weather track Surface of grass, dirt, cinder, rubber and asphalt now rubber, latex and polyurethane Excellent shock absorption and withstands all weather conditions Safer as injuries are less common now
Technique - High Jump Invented by Richard Fosbury 1968 – Olympic high jump champion Fosbury Flop
Specialist clothing for each event Each event has different clothing for specific reasons Can you think of any examples?