Fear of the Lord www.HebronChurchOfChrist.com
Fear of the Lord …is the beginning of knowledge, Prov. 1:7 Better to be wise than foolish Listen to & respect God
Fear of the Lord Fear of the Lord begins at home Parents to teach, Eph. 6:4; Deut. 6:6-9 Respect & fear of God, Begins with respect of parents
Fear of the Lord Parents & Children People & Government All Men & God
Fear of the Lord Parents & Children Children are to respect their parents Listen to them, Prov. 1:8, 9 Instruction, Prov. 15:5 Correction, Prov. 12:1 Not curse, Prov. 20:20 Not rob, Prov. 28:24 Not mock, Prov. 30:17
Fear of the Lord Parents & Children Parents instill this respect by discipline Instruction, Prov. 13:1 Example, Prov. 13:20 Rod, Prov. 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13, 14; 29:15
Fear of the Lord Parents & Children Children should have a healthy fear, respect, & appreciation for their parents Parents’ actions Parents’ words Parents’ feelings
Fear of the Lord People & Government Respect of parents leads to respect of authorities 1 Pt. 2:13-17 Respect laws if not against God, Acts 5:29 Impacts society Consequences for rebellion
Fear of the Lord People & Government Government is to operate by God-ordained principles Uphold good, Rom. 13:3 Suppress evil, Rom. 13:4 Establish facts, Deut. 19:15-20 Act appropriately, Deut. 19:21 Act quickly, Ecc. 8:11 Same Principles Apply To Parents
Fear of the Lord All Men & God The Bible warns us to fear the Lord Fear God, not man, 1 Pt. 2:17; 3:15; Mt. 10:28 Good days, Ecc. 8:12 Reason for being, Ecc. 12:13, 14
Fear of the Lord All Men & God Guaranteed consequence for not fearing Worse punishment, Heb. 10:26-31 Weeping & gnashing of teeth, Mt. 25:30 No escape, Heb. 12:25-29
Fear of the Lord All Men & God Fear of the Lord is tempered by love Our Father, Heb. 12:5, 6 Wants what is best for you Will comfort you Will forgive you Similar With Parents