Department for low and intermediate level waste Börje Torstenfelt Loma 1
This gives an overall picture of the principles for handling and storage of operational and decommissioning waste. We have the operational waste from the power plants, with short-lived going to SFR, long-lived goes to Clab or a special interim storage until the final repository for long-lived waste, the SFL-repository is in operation. The present plan is that it should be in regular operation at 2045. Very low level operational waste goes to landfills at the power plants, or at Studsvik. Decommissioning waste will in principle be handled the same way as the operational waste, once the decommissioning starts and that SFR is extended to store also decommissioning waste. A small amount of waste also gomes from industri, research and medical care, but all this waste is reprocessed at Studsvik before coming to our facilities. Långlivat och kortlivat från driften som går till mellanlagring eller slutförvaring. Samma för rivningen där avfallsströmmarna går likadant. Sedan från industri, forskning och sjukvård. Dessutom “land-fills” vid kraftverken och Studsvik. Loma 2
Waste volumes Decommissioning waste ca 90 000 m3 Spent fuel (140 000) Spent fuel ca 20 000 m3 Long- lived LILW ca 10-15 000 m3 Operational waste ca 60 000 m3 This gives a rough picture of the total waste volumes expected from the present Swedish nuclear program. For comparison it is placed in the sports arena, surprisingly named the Globe, in Stockholm. The decommissioning waste may be significantly smaller depending on the possibilities for free release and availability of landfills. Avfallsmängd som deponeras under mark om dagens 10 reaktorer ges en drifttid på 50-60 år: Kortlivat driftavfall till SFR-1: 63.000 m3 Kortlivat rivningsavfall till SFR-3 90 000 (140.000) m3 Långlivat låg- och medelaktivt avfall från härdkomponenter och Studsvik samt rivningsavfall från inkapsling och CLAB: 20.000 m3 till SFL 3-5 (Långlivat: 10 000 reaktordelar, 2.000 m3 från Studsvik, resten kortlivat rivningsavfall) Använt kärnbränsle: 9 000 ton, som inkapslat har en kapselvolym på drygt 18.000 m3. Total mängd ca 270.000 m3 inklusive Studsvik (250.000 enligt bilden) Avfallsmängd som deponeras ovan mark I markförvar på kärnkraftverken och vid Studsvik: 40.000 m3 Inaktivt avfall (friklassas) från rivning av kkv: 3.000.000 ton Short-lived Long-lived Loma 3
Standardized Waste Packages Steel Container Concrete tank Concrete mould These are the standardized waste packages we use. 200 litre’s steel drums, steel and concrete cubicles roughly 1,7 cubic metres, concrete tanks for dewatered ion exchange resins, and steel tanks (so called BFA-tanks) for long-lived waste, mainly core components, and finally standard 20 foot containers for the low level waste. De olika avfallsbehållarna. BFA-tankarna för härdkomponenter finns inte med på bilden. Steel mould Steel Drums Loma 4
Waste Categorization System - Example Radioactivity Content of long-lived radionuclides High activity Intermediate activity Low activity Short-lived Long-lived Needs cooling and shielding Heat effect approximately 2 kW/m3 Needs shielding but no cooling Surface doserate > 2 mSv/h Needs no cooling or shielding < 2 mSv/h Dominating content of radionuclides with a half-life T1/2 < 31 year Significant content of radionuclides with a half-life T1/2 >31 year This is the overall categorisation of the radioactive waste. It’s divided depending on the level of radioactivity and on the half-life of the nuclides. High radioactivity, that needs both cooling and shielding. Intermediate level radioactivity, that needs shielding but no cooling, and low activity, that need neither shielding nor cooling. Then we also have a split in short-lived and long-lived nuclides, with the limit less than thirty one years for short-lived nuclides. Indelningen av avfallet för att styra det till rätt avfallskategori och slutförvar. Loma 5
Typical final handling of waste High activity Half-life Short-lived Long-lived Type of waste Geologic disposal - KBS-3 concept Spent nuclear fuel Core components – reactor internals Waste from research Geologic disposal - SFL Geologic disposal - SFR Operational waste, decommissioning waste This is an other way of presenting the how the waste is handled. From low to high activity we have a split of the waste between different storage sites. From free release, via landfills, short-lived waste to long-lived waste up to storage of spent fuel in the KBS3-concept. Ett annat sätt att visa hur avfallet styrs. Surface repository (Landfill) Free released material Free released material Low activity Loma 6
SFR – Final Repository for LILW (at Forsmark NPP, commissioned in 1988) Regional workshop WAC Lithuania 2009-11-09—11-11
SFR This shows the SFR repository with the 4 rock caverns and the silo. Low level waste in containers in the BLA cavern, 2 caverns for concrete tanks and ash drums. Intermediate level waste in the Silo and in BMA, both with concrete compartment structures. Vi ska hålla SFR I trim många år framåt (2075?) och vi skall säkerställa att vi kan uppfylla det initialtillstånd som förutsätts i säkerhetsanalyserna. Loma 8
This shows the concrete structure of BMA, for intermediate level waste, in SFR. Considering the long-term safety, this gives us some interesting requirements on the waste and the repository. For spent fuel the main safety function is confinement; that is, complete isolation of the waste, e.g. with copper canisters as in the KBS-3 concept. But for low and intermediate level waste the safety functions are quite different. The main safety functions are it is limits on the amount of radioactivity and delay of the transport of the nuclides to the biosphere. So we need to consider the type of waste, half-life of the nuclides, and transport properties of the nuclides. This gives us two (2) main requirements; the waste package must not harm the repository structure, and the “environment” should not harm the repository structure. Thus, for short-lived waste the main “effort” is on the waste package, and for long-lived waste, also the waste package, but also more importance must be placed on the repository design, including the engineered barriers and location of the repository. In the short term, the waste package must not swell and break the repository structure, and in the long term, still the waste package must of course not swell, but also not leach materials that degrade the concrete structure. Also the concrete structure it self must not contain material that in these long time frame significantly degrades the structure, and surrounding groundwater and groundwater salts should not seriously degrade the structure. Loma 9
Här är en intressant fråga: Skall vi kringgjuta runt bitumenfat Här är en intressant fråga: Skall vi kringgjuta runt bitumenfat? Gör en svällning så att betongstrukturen spräcks? Kringgjutning sker i Silon men i nuläget inte i BMA. Loma 10
Waste categories in different parts of SFR 1 facility Till detta kommer BFA-tankar, dvs ståltankar (50, 100, 150, 200 mm stålplåt) med betongtanksmått, för härdkomponenter, och bl. a. Berglöfslådor för allmänt skrot(?). Loma 11
Decommissioning waste Final disposal of decommissioning waste at final repository for operational waste. The final repository for operational waste will be more than double in size. Will be in operation 2020: application in the end of 2013 and start of con-sturction around 2016. Loma 12
We are presently working with a license application for the extension of SFR to store also decommissioning waste. The new area will contain a rock cavern for intermediate level waste where also operational waste will be stored. Further, it will contain space for storage of whole BWR-reactor pressure vessels, and space for interim storage of long-lived intermediate level waste, mainly core components. We are also starting work with the design of a repository for long-lived waste, called the SFL. This may be below SFR, possibly close to the spent fuel repository or at some other site. Notera placeringen av BMA jämfört med BLA-förvaren I den nya delen. I den gamla ligger BMA nedströms BLA och vi riskerar att diverse komplexbildare från BLA kan strömma genom BMA. Ev. läggs BMA på västsidan av påfartstunnlarna. Loma 13
For handling of core components we have a brand new equipment which this year has been taken into operation at the Forsmark site. Here comes some pictures of this handling equipment. Storage rack for the core components. Loma 14
Wet hood for radiation shielding Wet hood for radiation shielding. We can see that the lid of the wet shield is lowered through the hood and is gripping the waste store rack below. Loma 15
Now the waste rack is transferred to the Dry shield where it is placed in the steel storage container, the so called “BFA-tank”, inside the transport container. We then have a system for drying the waste before the lid is placed on the tank. The thickness on the steel tanks is 5, 10, 15 or 20 mm, depending on the radiation level. Loma 16
Thereafter the core component BFA-tank is taken into interim storage at the site. This is from the Forsmark NPP. The final repository for long-lived radioactive waste, mainly core components, is presently planned to be in operation in 2045. Loma 17
Industry guideline for Low- and Intermediate level waste Industry guideline established 2004 Before 2004 an authority document Content: Guideline for description and assessment of waste for final disposal Waste acceptance criteria Disposition of waste type description Disposition of verification of waste acceptance criteria Specific waste acceptance criteria för SFR Specific storage rules for waste packages in SFR Code system for waste packages, waste and conditioning methods Regional workshop WAC Lithuania 2009-11-09—11-11
Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) & Waste Type Descriptions (WTD) Defines the waste properties allowed in order to comply with safety assessment and environmental assessment of the disposal facility WAC are also identified for the production, interim storage and transportation for waste packages WTD Is a standardized description of a certain waste type to check compliance with the defined WAC in all relevant handling steps Waste Package Data Data for each waste package is checked for compliance with approved WTD (and thereby WAC) prior to permission to ship for disposal Regional workshop WAC Lithuania 2009-11-09—11-11
Methodology for WAC in Sweden Producers are responsible for describing waste package specification – reported in a waste type description Waste type description (WTD) includes all the steps from production of the waste to final storage for LILW WAC concerning safety, technology and formal aspects are included in the waste type description SKB are verifying all WAC described in a WTD in a specific review paper Regional workshop WAC Lithuania 2009-11-09—11-11
WAC for non-heat generating waste Waste type description For a defined waste stream Described in 5 handling steps: Production Interim storage Transport Handling in final repository Final storage WAC specifies requirements in these areas: General Radiological Chemical Mechanical QC Waste package References Inventory Volume Material Radionuclides Nuclear facility Waste streams E.g. ion exchange resins Scrap metal Rubble Classification of waste Short-lived Long-lived Free release VLLW LLW ILW LILW Review process Combined evaluation on Production, Transportation and Final repository Type of waste decides the final route Regional workshop WAC Lithuania 2009-11-09—11-11
WAC for non-heat generating waste - continued Input data Inventory from waste types Repository design e.g. SFR Models for: - Near-field - Far-field - Biosphere Safety assessment FEP:s evaluated Scenarios evaluated Risc criteria 10-6 Calculations Safety report Producer Transport system Final repository ”WAC derivation is in practice an iterative process that deals with waste streams described in a waste type description that is evaluated quantitative and qualitative in a safety assessment for a repository, regarding to relevant input data with specific criteria for risc or dose to be calculated” . The method for determining the WAC should continuously be re-evaluated. Specific WAC can be described qualitatively and/or quantitatively for a fixed system, but will then be unique for that system. If there is a lack of detailed criterias, the WAC could only be generically expressed. Regional workshop WAC Lithuania 2009-11-09—11-11