Easter Soccer Course FUN PACKED ENTERTAINMENT FROM JUST £10.00 PER DAY FOR UNDER 6 -12 YEARS Come and join in the fun at Meadow View Park! EASTER SOCCER COURSE From Monday 10th April to Thursday 13th April Kick-Off is at 9.00am to 3.00pm DAILY SPEED GUN SHOOTING COMPETITIONS To book a place simply fill in the booking form on the reverse and return to the MVP Office with your payment. FREE EASTER EGG FOR THE FIRST 20 CHILDREN TO BOOK AT LEAST ONE DAY ON THE COURSE.
Courses are just like a school day …beginning at 9.00am till 3.00pm. Please bring Shin Pads and Football Boots Important Information for Parents Your child will need a packed lunch, a healthy snack & lots of refreshment Fully Qualified Football Coaches Pre-Booking is required for £10.00 per day rate All Coaches CRC Checked Fun Prizes, plus a TFP Certificate SUMMER SOCCER COURSES BOOKING FORM – CHILDS NAME: ………………………………………………………… SCHOOL: ………………………………………....................................................... AGE:.……………………............. ADDRESS: …………………………………………………………………........................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................................. POSTCODE:………………….... EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER: ………………………………………………… EMAIL:……………………………………………………………………………... PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: ………………………………………...................... MEDICAL CONDITIONS/ALLERGIES: ………………………………… *£10.00 PER DAY IF BOOKED IN ADVANCE (£12.50 ON THE DAY ) 10th April Monday 11th April Tuesday 12th April Wednesday 13th April Thursday I ENCLOSE THE FEE OF: £…………........ Cheques made payable to “TFP” PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: …………………………………………………….. DATE: ………………….. Photographs – sometimes promotional photographs of the activities are taken. Please tick if you don’t want your child to be involved Terms & Conditions 1. Places on the course are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 2. All applications must be accompanied by the relevant fee, in full. 3. All course fees are inclusive of VAT. 4. Thame Football Partnership cannot be held responsible for any injury during our events or whilst travelling to and from our events. 5. By completing this form, in the event of an injury whilst involved in the activities and I cannot be reached on the above, I hereby give consent for my child to receive medical attention. I agree that the Soccer School reserves the right to remove any disruptive children from the course and that the Soccer School do not accept responsibility for loss or damage whether to person or property in connection with these courses. Address: Thame Football Partnership, Meadow View Park, Thame, Oxon OX9 3RN 01844 214401 www.thamefootball.co.uk