The Big Family in the Little House university of Puerto Rico at Humacao English department Course: ingl-0080 Prof. Jesús López Giselle Bermúdez Colon Luzelis Miranda caraballo Angélica Betancourt Camacho
Summarize This was a man with a big family but they lived in a small house on a farm. The men had a very wise aunt that always know what to do. And she helps the man with his problem. This fable is about a man that believed that he and his family were unhappy. Because in this family was a lot of people in such a small farm house. The men had an aunt that was a wise woman and he decided to ask her for a advice to be happier. His aunt told him to take all the animals from his farm into the house. He did it, and all become worst with the animals in the house everything was a disaster. And then his aunt told him to get the animals out of the house and again he did what she said and then the man realize the lesson that she give him. The family live more happy after the wise woman wave them the crazy advice that change their lives. The man realized that tings could be worst. And he thanks his aunt for make him see that he wasn't unhappy.
Moral of the story People do not value what they have. Like the man didn't realize that he was happy until he put all the animal into the house. There's people that believe they are un happy but not realize that their situation could be worst. So we have to conform with what we have and be happy no matter what.
Vocabulary Again- adv. One more time. Closed- adj. not open. Dirty- adj. Not clean, or in dirt. Farm- n. An area of land used for raising animals. Few- pron. Adj. A small number of things. Fill- v. to become full of something full. Noisy- adj. making a lot of noise or full of noise. Terrible- adj. very bad. Told- v. to give someone facts or information in speech or writing. Took- v. to get possession or control of something. Wasn’t- v. the short form of “was not”. Went- v. past tense of go. Wife- n. the woman that a man married. Wise- adj. based on good judgment and experience.