Make sure your child looks out for sports Year 4 – Curriculum and Important Information – Autumn Term 2017-18 Message from Miss Beasley, Mrs Stanier and Miss Parmar– We have been extremely impressed with the first few weeks from 4MB, 4JS AND 4GP. Well done to all children for their great efforts and thank you to all parents for their support so far. Below is information on topics we are covering, and other important information, for this term. With your help and support we look forward to a fantastic first term. Curriculum Areas RE –Diocesan units- ‘Beginning with the Church’ and ‘From Advent to Christmas’. Children will also be leading collective worship sessions. Literacy –Fiction: Robin Hood and Non Fiction: How the World Works. Throughout these topics, we will be exploring a range of fictional and non-fictional writing through the study of quality novels/texts with a particular focus on Grammar and Punctuation. Maths –Autumn units cover all areas of maths including place value, problem solving and number calculations. Children must know their times tables by the end of year 4. Children will also complete a mental maths test once a week. Science –Sound- including how we hear sounds and States of matter- looking at the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Computing– How to use the internet as an effective and safe tool and Coding. Geography- World knowledge- looking at world features, including countries, continents and land features. Art- Art skills- designing, drawing and painting using various artistic styles. DT- Pop up designing and making- children will learn a variety of techniques. PE- Swimming, Invasion games with J & C. Music – We are following the ‘Charanga’ music scheme, our current topic is based around Mamma Mia. French – Further work on developing their growing French vocabulary. IMPORTANT: Other items of interest/key dates..... 13th Oct: PGL Marchants Hill Talk (14:30) 18th Oct: Marchants Hill drop in in 4B (after school). 17th Oct & 19th Oct: Parents evening 20th October: Harvest Abbey Mass 1st- 3rd Nov: Marchants Hill trip 9th November: 4JS Class Mass 10th November : 4MB Abbey Mass 16th November: 4GP Class Mass 17th November 4JS Abbey Mass 23rd November: 4MB Class Mass 24th November: 4GP Abbey Mass 20th December: Last day of term (13:30) Please be aware that some dates may change or be added. We will let your children know if there are any changes you should be aware of. Make sure your child looks out for sports announcements/posters, to keep track of sports opportunities and events.
Year 4 – Curriculum and Important Information – Autumn Term 2017-18 Important General Notices/Info PE Kit – all Year 4 classes do PE on Thursday, please ensure kit is always available, and clearly labelled. Children also go swimming on alternate Wednesdays. Reading – ‘the rock of all learning’. Please encourage/listen to your child read as much as possible at home. Uniform – Please ensure children wear the correct uniform at all times including their hats to and from school. NAMES – please put your child’s name on their uniform, PE kit, footwear, lunchboxes and any other school items to avoid them being lost. Class Equipment – please encourage your child to begin taking more responsibility for bringing all the correct items to school. This is a crucial skill the children will need to develop. Homework – all encouragement and support is welcomed at home. Please help to ensure homework is brought to school when required. Abbey Mass – parents are always needed to help walk year 4 children back to school. You help is very much appreciated. Set on Thursdays and due in on Tuesdays: Each week, the children will receive homework to support skills in Reading, Spelling and Maths and RE. Homework will be collated in a Homework folder. We will also be setting some homework online. We may also set additional pieces of homework as and when appropriate. We will update you with any changes/ updates with homework. As your children are now in Year 4, we have high expectations for homework. This includes: Quality and presentation of work. Sufficient time set asside to complete set tasks. Prompt return of homework to ensure consistency from week to week. We greatly value your continued support in this important area.