Mental Health
Depression More than sadness, depression is a disease of hopeless feelings. Major depression can cause the patent to lose interest in everything including self care, work, love, eating, playing and anything that use to bring happiness. Oversleeping is a big symptom. Treatment: therapy, behavior modification, Medications such as SSRIs SRNIs, Lithium and GABA inhibitors
Bipolar Disorder Periods of severe depression characterized by not caring for self, others, job, eating, and chronic oversleeping intertwined by periods of hyperactivity so bad sleeping and sitting still becomes impossible. Behaviors are often dangerous and irresponsible and personal relationships are normally damaged beyond repair. Treatment: Intense therapy, Medications such as Lithium, SSRIs, and SRNIs
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Alternating depression and anxiety along with intense fears due to witnessing or participating in a traumatic event. Nightmares, night terrors, flashbacks, and anger and hostility can come and go at a moments notice. Treatment: EMDR therapy, intensive continuing therapy, Medications like SSRIS, Benzodiazapines and GABA inhibitors.
ADHD Hyperactive brain function that makes focus impossible. This is a rare, over-diagnosed disorder. ADHD patients can not even focus for more than just a few minutes at a time and can not be still for any length of time and have a very hard time sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time. Treatment: therapy and anti-hyperactivity meds such as Adderall and other amphetamine based medicines. Side note, those taking these medicines that don’t need them will have an opposite effect.
Autism and Aspergers More research is being done on the causes and treatments of Autism and Aspergers. They are classified as social disorders. Patients are placed on a “spectrum” going from poorly functioning to almost fully functioning. Most treatments are still considered experimental.
General Anxiety Characterized by a sudden episode triggered by certain events. Causes rapid heavy breathing, quick pulse, chest pain, blackouts, unreasonable fear, paranoia, emotional overload, and the inability to cope. Treatments: therapy, Medications such as benzodiazapines, SSNIs, SSRIS and any other meds that psychiatrists believe can help reduce reactions to the trigger events
Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder Disorder characterized by a person having uncontrollable and recurring thoughts and behaviors that the person feels the urge to repeat over and over Treatments: Medication with SSRIs and Tricyclic antidepressants along with anti-psychotics, Psychotherapy including Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Exposure/Response prevention.
Social Anxiety/Introversion Some people have a fear of crowds, relationships and other people. There are therapies available and medicines like SSRIS can help the condition. These are new diagnosis codes in mental health and more research is being done. Some psychiatrists blame the internet and social media for the rise in social anxiety.
Suicide Ideation/Attempt Suicide is the leading cause of death in people aged 18-25. Suicidal ideation is the desire to end life for a variety of reasons.
Schitzophrenia Disorder characterized by having auditory or visual hallucinations. Often, hallucinations convince the patient to perform activities that are dangerous or illegal. Treatments: Intense therapy, ususally inpatient to start. Medications include SSRI, SRNI, Ambilify, and others
Paranoia Paranoia is often a side effect of a combination of other mental illnesses
Disassociative Personality Disorder