Today’s goals Diagram the plot and major events of our narratives Discuss strategies for WTR conclusions Peer review the second draft of our essays
Class discussion- story and plot What are the four necessary elements of story (as described in the A&B textbook)? How many major events and settings should you have in your reflective narrative? How have you built up tension in your stories thus far? What is a climax? How might your reflective narrative have a climax?
Story and plot 4 elements of story: Rising Action Climax Depiction of events through time Connectedness Tension Resolution Rising Action Relevant incidents that create suspense, interest and tension in a narrative. Introduces major characters, settings, and problems Climax a decisive moment that is of maximum intensity or is a major turning point in a plot. Often the main problems of the story will be confronted or solved here. Falling Action Occurs right after the climax, when the main problem of the story resolves. Often used to tie up parts of the story not directly resolved in the climax. Excellent place for reflection
Individual activity- plot diagram Fill in the plot diagram based on your current draft of your narrative Make a clear mark where the current draft of your story ends Fill in the rest of the diagram with however you would like to complete the story Pay special attention to the climax, the most important event or scene of your story
Class discussion- figurative language review What is figurative language? Define and give an example of the following terms: Metonymy: Metaphor: Simile: Hyperbole: Understatement: Personification/Pathetic fallacy
Group activity – identifying figurative langauge In groups off 2-5 students Share the open form prose samples you brought in to class Identify the title of each piece and which student brought it in Find 2 examples of figurative language in each piece and identify which figurative language is being used
Class discussion- open form prose – falling action and ‘conclusion’ What should we include in the conclusion of our WTR essays? What kind of questions do we answer in the 3rd and 4th stages of reflection? How should our themes be presented in the conclusion?
WTR resolutions/conclusions Occur after the falling action of the story Should include stages 3 + 4 of reflection, often at the very end of the story What did you learn? How will this experience affect you in the future? Should make some mention of media and its impact (event if it just a sentence or two) Should resolve some of the tension of the story (not all will be resolved!)
Group Activity: WTR 2nd draft analysis Group up with one other student NOT in your unit 1 group Exchange your essay drafts, read through your peers’ draft, and answer the following questions: What setting(s) is/are being described in the essay? How many senses are used to describe the setting? What is the dominant impression of the setting? What major characters other than the writer are introduced? Is there sufficient description for you to imagine each of these characters? Has the writer begun to discuss their feelings and reactions as part of reflection (stage 2)? How does the writer feel about the experiences in the story thus far? How has the writer built up tension in their story? Can you find any examples of stages 3 and 4 of reflection in the story thus far? What are they?
Homework WTR Draft 3 Due Monday 10-2 Printed AND submitted online to 1,000+ words Should reach the end of your story