New Functionality “Assign a Cart” (April 23, 2007)
Assign a Cart Functionality M-marketsite browsers and users can shop in M-marketsite and assign a draft cart to another user who has access to submit M-marketsite ePro requisitions The Assignee will get an email notifying them of the assigned cart The Assignee can review and update the cart in M-marketsite and return the lines to an ePro requisition in M-Pathways
Practical Uses - Benefits Department users can to share the workload of the Purchasing/ordering process Browsers have full access to their M-marketsite Profile where they can save default shipping addresses, ShortCodes, department reference numbers, and assignees Departments now have even more control over who has access to place orders Departments can have designated Requisitioners in their unit to whom browsers and users can send draft carts (self-managed departmental workflow) Browsers can assign a draft cart 24/7
New Assign Cart Button
Note to Assignee When a user is assigning a draft cart they can add a note for the assignee. The note will be displayed in the e-mail the assignee receives. You must have the Cart Assigned Notice checkbox turned on in your M-marketsite User Profile to receive email notification of a draft cart. See the Setting Up Your M-marketsite User Profile step-by-step procedure in MAIS LINC for instructions.
Assigned Carts are accessed via the Draft Cart folder
Training Documents Up-to-date M-marketsite documents and job Aids with Assign a Cart information are located on the web. Browse Only documents – are located on the Procurement Services Web Site On the M-marketsite How To page ePro and M-marketsite user documents are located in MAIS LINC