Changing Response to AHRQ’s Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) 2009 -2014 To be presented at APHA on Tuesday, November 18 at 4:30 pm. Contact information for Rebecca Trocki is Rebecca Trocki, MSHAI, Shyam Misra, MD, PHD, Kishena Wadhwani, PhD, MPH, Francis Chesley, MD Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations
AHRQ Mission and Priorities The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) mission To produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable and affordable, and to work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used. AHRQ’s priority areas of focus are: Improve health care quality by accelerating implementation of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) Make health care safer Increase accessibility to health care Improve health care affordability, efficiency, and cost transparency
Introduction This presentation will focus on: Define AHRQ’s research priorities from 2009-2014 Describe AHRQ’s Grant Processes Evaluate AHRQ’s funding levels by Year and Major Programs Conclusions
Division of Scientific Review Mission Statement Extramural Grant applications submitted to the AHRQ will be evaluated via the AHRQ peer review process to ensure a fair equitable unbiased evaluation of their scientific and technical merit.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Grants Process Notice of Grant Award (NGA) AHRQ HOLDS Funding Meeting AHRQ Evaluates and Scores all Applications using a 9 point scale Summary Statement AHRQ Assigns and Reviews Grant Applications Study Section (SS) Special Emphasis Panels AHRQ Solicits Grant Applications PA (Program ( Announcements) RFA (Request for Applications)
RESULTS: AHRQ FUNDING 2009- 2014 As Shown by the Charts Below: Overall, AHRQ Funding from 2009 – 2014 with a total number of applications reviewed at 6,060 applications with a funding rate of 21.99% The highest number of applications received were in 2010 and with consistent funding rate of over 14.53% and averaging 20% Program Announcements (PAs): 3,927 applications and Request for Applications (RFAs): 600 applications, have a similar funding rate of approximately 20% AHRQ Announces Intent to Publish Grant and Contract Solicitations for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Projects with Funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
RESULTS: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) ARRA-related RFAs issued in Fiscal Year 2010: Provided $1.1 billion for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER). The Act allocated $300 million to AHRQ, and $400 million to the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to advance the methodology of CER and provides training grants to enhance the pool of researchers who can perform CER Over 2010, AHRQ received over 540 applications with a funding rate of 20.77% AHRQ Announces Intent to Publish Grant and Contract Solicitations for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Projects with Funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
FUNDING RESULTS: PATIENT CENTER OUTCOME RESEARCH (PCOR) RFAs AHRQ intends to promote several new initiatives by publishing Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) to solicit applications for research on Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR). Over 2012 – 2014 - AHRQ received applications under PA/RFA Funding Opportunity Announcements over 450 applications with an approximately funding rate of 25.75% Notice of Intent to Publish Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Funding Opportunity Announcements