‘Children’s Well-being and Effective Parenting in the Digital Era’ Mr. Zaw Myint Lin Assistant Director Ministry of Education, Myanmar
Geography Border Countries Bangladesh India Tibet China Laos Thailand
Country Demographics Category Information required Answers Population Total population 51.49 million Estimation of population growth growth rate: 1.03% Land Area (km2), 678,500 sq km Natural conditions Temperature; Presence/absence of dry and rainy seasons Tropical monsoon Economy Economic activities What is the key industry? Agricultural processing wood and wood product, jade, copper
School of Education System Formal School System pattern is 5-4-2 New Structure of Basic Education System (KG+ 5-4-3) has started rolling out in 2016-2017 Academic year Primary Level (including KG) takes six years Lower Secondary Level (middle) four years Upper Secondary Level (high) three
Timeframe of Tasks for New Curriculum Reform School Year KG Primary School Middle School High School 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 G1 2018/19 G2 2019/20 G3 G6 2020/21 G4 G7 G10 2021/22 G5 G8 G11 2022/23 G9 G12
Early childhood Education Early Childhood Education means education that nutures hoslistic development by using methods compatible with development level for children from birth to age of eight years. (According to the definition of National Education Law)
Preschool Education Preschool Education means education that nurtures physical, intellectual,moral ,social and mentaldevelopment Of the children age of three years to five years and a continuation of their primary education. (According to the definition of National Education Law)
Human resourse of ECCD Children from birth to 8 years old across the country are fundamental for the human resourse development and play a vital role for a developed Nation.
The ECCD Policy The ECCD Policy was developed in counsultation with the relevant Ministries, UNICEF (Myanmar), non-governmental organizations and civil society. Promotion of the ECCD service is the most effective investment for the country.
The purpose of ECCD Policy The purpose of ECCD Policy is to ensure that children in Myanmar, from birth to eight years of age, will receive the ECCD services to achieve their development. Moreover, well-coordinated ECCD services will support parents, caregivers and service providers by helping them develop their children . In addition, the ECCD Policy will ensure Myanmar’s commitment to fulfill the right of the child, mentioned in United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child.(UNCRC).
The beneficiary of ECCD About 8 million children in Myanmar Policy each year that will promise a good and comprehensive foundation for the children to contribute positively to their families, communities and the nation. Integrated ECCD services will improve children’development, health, nutrition, hygiene and protective care.
Moreover, ECCD services will assist for preparing school life, completing primary education and continuing secondary education.
Caring for Children In caring for children, caregivers (parents, grandparents and other family members and community members) are performing a very important role. They hold the future of their communities in their hands.
NESP for 2016-2021 Ministry of Education (MOE) has also developed the National Education Sector Plan (NESP )for 2016-2021. In this sector, preschool and kindergarten education is the first priority goal.In this goal, all children get a head start on their learning pathway through accessing quality preschool and kindergarten education.
National Education Strategic Plan NESP ( 2016-2021)
Pre-school and kindergarten education in NESP The government is committed to expanding access to quality pre-school and kindergarten education , which comprise Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) as an integral part of major on-going social sector reforms and national economic development. There are four strategies to achieve the transformational shift for preschool and kindergarten education.
NESP Goal and Nine Transformational Shifts
Strategy 1 Strengthen governance and co-ordination of pre-school services . Strategy 2 Expand access to pre-school services for children in rural and remote areras Strategy 3 Improve pre-school quality to better prepare children for primary school Strategy 4 Implement quality kindergarten education
Meeting the major needs of children, parents and ECCD services We discussed, interviewed the major needs of children, parents and ECCD services at the consultation workshops . We found needs and challenges. .
Issues and Challenges faced in Myanmar - Many young children and their parents live in disadvantaged or remote communities that lack access to preventive and basic child development services
The period from birth to three years of age is critical for the development of children ‘brains,and yet few of them are able to access ECCD services , such as parent education and support , Mother circles , home visits and quality day care. Only 22.9 percent of preschool age children are able to access preschool services, and most of them come from middle to higher income families.
ECCD services not only must be mother-tongue based and but also should use local language in remote areas for ethnic children. Myanmar currently lacks formal pre-service trainning system for ECCD and Pre-school education. Therefore , a full pre-service and in-service training system for professionalsand volunteers are urgently needed.
National ECCD Management Information System (ECCD MIS) is lacking National ECCD Management Information System (ECCD MIS) is lacking.The guidance for monitoring and Evaluation is required for effective ECCD and quality assurance. There is a need for a system to provide policy advocacy and media communication for ECCD information to reach parents and communities.
A strong ECCD organization system is urgently required to conduct effective coordination among ministries ,Non-governmental partners and stakeholders.
What should parent know their children’ development? All parents want their children to be healthy.Healthy children are happy and active; they do well at school, and are able to become an active part of their community . Therefore, parents should understand how to teach children practices that well will keep them safe and healthy both now and in future.
The factors that support the child’development The affection, attention and stimulation, as well as good nutrition ,proper health care and protection (parents and caregivers should support above )
Playing in child’development,learning and well-being Play is a right for all children. All children need time and freedom to play alone or with friends to explore , to laugh and to enjoy themselves. (parents and caregivers should understand well)
Communication with languages Babies are born ready to communicate. Talking to babies while feeding and changing them singing ,reading and telling stories help them the understanding of words and to improve their languages skills.
Going to school and participation with children Going to school is important for every child. A child ‘right to education begins at birth. School is the best learning place for children. The children can get the participation skills with friends in school. School should be a happy and successful experience for child. The teachers need to create Child Friendly Schools for children.
The parents are the first teacher Parents are the child’ first teachers. Parents can offer their children a lot of experiences that support learning since the birth of child. Parents should know to give good nutrition and to be healthy , to enjoy and happy for children.
In conclusion, We all have to perform to strengthen early childhood care and development, health,education and social welfare, as an integral part of expanded national economic development.
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