Introduction to Kinesiology The Cardiovascular Systems An Introduction to Health and Physical Education Ted Temertzoglou Paul Challen ISBN 1-55077-132-9
Focus Question: “How does the anatomical structure of the cardiovascular system ensure the flow of blood through the heart and throughout the body?”
The Cardiovascular System Composed of: three parts that work in unison Heart- acts as a double pump Blood vessels Blood Functions: Delivery of O2, fuel, and nutrients to the tissues of the body Removal of CO2 and waste products from the tissues Maintenance of a constant body temperature (thermoregulation) Prevention of infection (immune function)
The Heart Hollow organ in the middle of the chest Formed from specialized muscle tissue called cardiac muscle or myocardium Size- closed first- weighs about 250-350 grams Surrounded by pericardium (tough protective sac); fits loosely over heart- allows heart to expand and contract Epicardium lines outside of heart, against pericardium; directly under the epicardium is the myocardium, and the endocardium lines inside of heart Made up of four separate chambers: atria (upper chambers) and ventricles (lower chambers) Considered a “double-pump” and is divided into the right and left heart; separated by the interventricular septum Right Heart: pumps deoxygenated blood that has just returned from the body to the lungs (pulmonary circulation) Left heart: Pumps oxygenated blood that has just returned from the lungs to the rest of the body (systemic circulation)
The Chambers of the Heart Heart is made up of four separate chambers; upper chambers are called atria, and the lower chambers are called ventricles Atria are separated from the ventricles by specialized valves that allow blood to flow only from the atria to the ventricles Valves are called atrioventricular (AV) valves. Right side of the heart- AV valve is called the tricuspid valve, because it is composed of three special flaps Left side of the heart, the valve is called the bicuspid (or mitral) valve, because it is composed of two special flaps Valves are attached to special muscular extensions of the ventricle wall (papillary muscles) by strands of strong specialized tissue (chordae tendinae) Papillary muscles and chordae tendinae help to prevent the AV valve from being turned inside out, if they were not present, the valves could be pushed up the atria- umbrella
Workbook Exercise 8.2 Internal Anatomy of the Heart- label diagram
The Internal Anatomy of the Heart Aorta Superior vena cava Left pulmonary artery Right pulmonary artery Aortic semilunar valve Left pulmonary veins Right pulmonary veins Left atrium Pulmonary semilunar valve Bicuspid (mitral) valve Left ventricle Right atrium Interventricular septum Chordae tendinae Papillary muscles Tricuspid valve Chordae tendinae Right ventricle Papillary muscles Inferior vena cava Thoracic aorta (descending)
Structures of the Heart Common Structures Structure of right side Structure of left side Chordae tendinae Superior and inferior vena cava Aorta and thoracic (descending aorta) Papillary muscles Right atrium Left atrium Interventricular septum Right ventricle Left ventricle Pulmonary artery Pulmonary vein Tricuspid valve Bicuspid (mitral) valve Pulmonary valve Aortic valve
Circulation of Blood Through the Heart: Blood is delivered to the right atrium from the superior and inferior vena cava Superior vena cava returns blood to the heart from the upper body, inferior vena cava returns blood from the lower body Once the blood is in the right atrium, it passes through the tricuspid valve and enters the right ventricle Blood is then pumped through the pulmonary semilunar valve and out the pulmonary arteries to the lungs (pulmonary circulation) deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it is re-oxygenated Blood returns from the lungs through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium Blood then passes through the bicuspid(mitral) valve into the left ventricle Blood is pumped through the aortic semilunar valve into the aorta and throughout the systemic circulation(oxygenated blood from the lungs to the rest of the body) Eventually returning to the heart via sup. and inf. Vena cava.
Workbook Exercise 8.2 The Flow of Blood within the Heart
Path of Blood Through the Heart Aorta Superior vena cava Left pulmonary artery Right pulmonary artery Aortic semilunar valve Left pulmonary veins Right pulmonary veins Left atrium Pulmonary semilunar valve Bicuspid (mitral) valve Left ventricle Right atrium Interventricular septum Chordae tendinae Papillary muscles Tricuspid valve Chordae tendinae Right ventricle Papillary muscles Inferior vena cava Thoracic aorta (descending)
The Heart’s Electrical Conduction System The cardiac muscle cells are excitable, meaning that with electrical stimulation they will all contract (this is known as a “syncytium”)-contraction of the myocardium(specialized muscle tissue that form the heart) as a single unit. Within the heart there are areas of specialized tissue that are important in the regulation and coordination of this electrical activity. These specialized tissues are: the sinoatrial node (SA node) the atrioventrical node (AV node) The contraction of the heart leads to the pumping of blood. © 2015 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Excitation of the Heart Sinoatrial node (SA node): Specialized region of tissue found in wall of right atrium Location where electrical signals are initiated (“pacemaker”) The basic rate of contraction set by the SA node is modulated by the automatic NS Electrical signal travels through both atria via the internodal pathways, causing the atria to contract from the top down and forcing blood into the ventricles. Atrioventricular node (AV node): Passes electrical signal from atria into ventricles Passes electrical signal to the Bundle of His (atrioventricular bundle) Bundle of His pass electrical signal to the Purkinje fibres Purkinje fibres pass electrical signal to the myocardium that forms the ventricles The myocardium contracts- Leads to contraction of the heart Leads to the pumping of blood * Contraction of the heart is initiated in the atria from the top downward, pushing blood into the ventricles. * The ventricles then contract from the bottom up, forcing blood into the aorta and pulmonary arteries.
Excitation of the Heart Cont… SA node, without input from the NS will cause the heart to contract at approx 70-80 beats per minute (bpm) SA Damaged? AV node takes control and becomes the pacemaker of the heart
The Heart – Electrical Excitation of the Heart- workbook 8.3- label Sinoatrial (SA) node Atrioventricular (AV) node Internodal pathways Bundle of His (AV bundle) Right and left bundle branches Purkinje fibres
The Electrical Activity of the Heart https://www. youtube. com/watch Measured using an electrocardiogram (ECG) Graphical representation of electrical sequence of events occurring with each contraction of the heart Each wave generated during contraction is named: P wave: represents depolarization(contraction) through the atria QRS complex: represents depolarization of the ventricle T wave: represents repolarization(filling/rest) of the ventricle
The Vascular System and Blood Flow Formed by a network of vessels that transport blood throughout the body As you follow the path away from the heart, in either systemic or pulmonary circuits, the structure of the vessel begins to branch out and get smaller. Different vessels are divided into four main categories: arteries; arterioles; capillaries; and venules and veins All share a common feature- thin layer of cells that lines the inside of the vessels known as the endothelium
Vascular System and Blood Flow: Arteries and Veins IMPORTANT TERMS Arteries are blood vessels with thick muscular walls, which carry blood away from the heart to different tissues and organs of the body. * Even though the walls of arteries are very thick, they are still very elastic and can stretch and then recoil back to their original diameter. * In the systemic circulation, arteries carry oxygenated blood from the left side of the heart towards body tissues. In the pulmonary circulation, arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart towards the lungs. * blood pleasure is measured in arteries- systolic blood pressure is the pressure caused by the contraction of the heart, recoiling of the arteries causes diastolic blood pressure during diastole. © 2015 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Vascular System Cont… Arterioles: smaller than the arteries and are important in the regulation of blood distribution to the various tissues of the body. Surrounded by the rings of smooth muscle, and the rings can contract, constricting the arteriole and reducing the amount of blood flow, or relax, opening the arteriole and increasing the amount of blood flow. Rings- controlled by two factors- nervous system and local chemical factors released by the tissues that are supplied by the arterioles. i.e. exercise- arterioles that supply the muscles involved open (local chemical changes by NS) and arterioles that supply intestine would be constricted reducing flow to this organ. Capillaries: smallest vessels within the body, and have an important function. So small that red blood cells can barely fit through, and the walls of capillaries are very thin (one cell thick) All body tissues have an extensive supply of capillaries i.e. millions in the body if you were to line up all the capillaries from one person line would = 40, 000 km long FUNCTION- exchange of gasses and nutrients with the tissues depending on diffusion- go from high concentration to low concentration Nerves interact directly with the arterioles, and can be signalled by the central nervous system to contract or relax the layers of smooth muscle, depending on the needs of the body. -
Vascular System Cont… Venules and Veins: Once blood travels through the capillaries, then enters the venules(small, thin-walled extensions of the capillaries) Venules lead into the veins, which return blood to the heart for another trip around the vascular system Veins- become larger as they move away from the capillaries and then al l come together to form the sup.inf vena cava and drain the venous blood into the right atrium of the heart Walls of veins contain smooth muscle, allowing them to dilate and contract similar to arterioles- thus making sure enough blood is returned to the heart, so the heart can meet the needs of the body Carry DEOXYGENATED BLOOD with the exception of pulmonary veins that carry oxygen-rich blood VEINS- ONE WAY VALVES- blood exerts a force on the walls of the blood vessels; therefore blood pressure in the veins is very low- values prevent blood from travelling in the wrong direction back towards the tissues and organs – only going to the heart
Summary of the Vascular System- Workbook 8.4 Large veins Large arteries Medium veins Medium arteries Arteriole Venules Capillaries Precapillary sphincters Capillary bed
Coronary Vessels – Anterior View- Workbook 8.1 Aorta Superior vena cava Left pulmonary artery Branches of left pulmonary artery Branches of right pulmonary veins Pulmonary trunk Left pulmonary veins Right pulmonary veins Left atrium Anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery Right atrium Right coronary artery Great cardiac vein Small cardiac vein Right ventricle Left ventricle Inferior vena cava Thoracic aorta (descending)
The Return of Blood from the Veins In comparison to arteries, veins have valves that open as blood returns to the heart, and valves that close as blood flows away from the heart. Blood can be pushed through veins by smooth muscle that surrounds the veins, contraction of large muscles near the veins, or to a minor extent by the pumping action of the heart The low pressure within the veins creates a problem for the CVS- how to get all the blood in the veins back to the heart 3 main tools/systems to assist; The skeletal muscle pump
The Return of Blood from the Veins The skeletal muscle pump: Upon contraction of skeletal muscle, blood is pushed/ massaged back to the heart The thoracic pump: Pressure in veins (in the chest) decrease while pressure in veins (in the abdominal cavity) increase upon intake of breath Difference in pressure pushes blood from veins in the abdominal cavity into veins in the thoracic cavity Venoconstriction: Nervous system sends a signal to veins when cardiac output needs to be increased Veins constrict allowing more blood back to the heart The skeletal muscle pump
Properties of Blood- specialized fluid found In the heart and all the vessels BLOOD- Main role is to act as a transport medium for O2, CO2, and nutrients. Made up of two main components: Plasma- 55% Fluid component of blood (mostly water)- 55% of blood Will find many different dissolved substances i.e. nutrients, proteins, ions, and gasses within the plasma Blood cells- 45% Red blood cells (erythrocytes) Made in bone marrow Transport O2 and CO2 in the blood Transport nutrients and waste Contain specialized protein hemoglobin- can bind O2 and CO2- gives blood the ability to transport and deliver O2 to tissues, and remove CO2 to the lungs White blood cells (leukocytes)- less than 1% Destroy foreign elements Critical in the function of the immune system Platelets- not complete cells but fragments of cells Regulate blood clotting Plasma 55% 90% water 7% plasma proteins 3% other (acids, salts) Formed elements 45% >99% red blood cells <1% white blood cells and platelets
Homework Read pages 240-241 Takes your own notes