3D printing FDM (thermoplastics) Stereolithography (thermosets, solidification by light) Ink-jet (thermosets, solidification by light) Sintering, SLS (metals, polymers) Differences in price, materials, resolution
Work safety Työterveyslaitos (in Finnish): https://www.ttl.fi/uudet-ohjeet-nain-tyoskentelet-turvallisesti-3d-tulostinten/ Article: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231013005086
3d printing with Solidoodle 3 First-time user Install the Solidoodle script: C:programs/Solidoodle Active Setup V1 => install_active setup.vbs
Start menu: open Repetier-Host Solidoodle
Choose: Printer settings -> Solidoodle 3 -> Port = COM3
Press Connect
Choose: Manual control Press: heat extruder and heat printbed With arrows (start with -x and –y), you can move the extruder
Modification of printing parameters Choose Slicer, press Configure
First you choose the layer thickness. 0.3 mm is usually good. Smaller layer thickness -> longer printing time and better resolution Randomize starting points can be selected. If every layer is started from the same point, there can be visible seam. Perimeters: How many solid layers are printed on the sides of structure Horizontal shells: How many solid layers are printed on the top and bottom of the structure
Infill: FDM manufactured parts are not usually solid, which saves the material and decreases the printing time. Fill density depends on the structure. When mechanically more durable part is needed, the fill density higher. Fill pattern: Honeycomb is widely used. It is relatively fast and has better mechanical properties compared to other patterns
No need to change print move speeds No need to change print move speeds. These can be changed if you would print very fine structures.
Skirt: Makes loops around the printed object. Removes excess flowing material from the extruder before printing Brim: If the surface area on part is small, it can be increased by adding brim. Larger surface area has better attachment to the print bed. Skirt Brim Kuva: https://www.simplify3d.com/
No need to use this if there is no problems with attachment. Support: You cannot print on air. Therefore, if you have overhanging theresolds, you can add support. Usually if the degree is less than 45, it is possible to print the part without support. Raft: Layer that is printed before the actual part. Helps the part to attach printbed. No need to use this if there is no problems with attachment. Kuva: https://www.simplify3d.com/
Extrusion multiplier: 0.7 Diameter: 1.74 Extrusion multiplier: 0.7 Change calibrated values Printer 2 : Diameter=1.74 mm, Extrusion multiplier=0.63 Printer 3 : Diameter=1.74 mm, Extrusion multiplier=0.6 Printer 4 : Diameter=1.74 mm, Extrusion multiplier=0.69
You can check the bed size here You can check the bed size here. That is the theoretical maximum size for the part.
Nozzle diameter affects to the print quality. Cannot be changed. Retract on layer change: Material flowing from extruder can cause faults to the part. This selection prevents it but increases the printing time.
3d models Search model: www.thingiverse.com Check if there is some instructions for layer thickness, infill etc. 2. Save file as .stl c:local/STL-files 3. Check model errors: Netfabb Studio Basic (wait 10 s to open the program)
Exclamation mark (!) -> Repair (red cross)
Remove old part and Apply repair
1. Move part 2. Scale if needed 3. Export as STL
Loading of model: load, choose printing parameters, slice
Printing Check temperatures and press home position => run job
123D Design C:/local/Stl-files