Costs and Benefits of Programs FDR’s New Deal Costs and Benefits of Programs
Alphabet Soup Programs AAA SSA CCC WPA TVA REA
Benefits of Alphabet Agencies Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Subsidies to farmers to grow fewer crops and livestock Works Progress Administration (WPA) Employed teachers, writers, artists to bring the arts to the public Social Security Administration (SSA) Provided pension to elderly and disabled so younger generation could work Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Preserved nature through state and national parks Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Employed civilians Dammed Tennessee River for electricity
Costs of Alphabet Agencies Government expanded permanently Dependency on government People depended on the government for income Money Spending money that wasn’t there resulted in budget deficits Costs future generations via taxes
Some Agencies Are Shutdown… FDR tried to “Pack the Supreme Court” Tried to appoint 3 more justices See the Upcoming Political Cartoons What type of justices do you think he was trying to appoint? Was this justified?