Goal Setting
Setting Personal Health Goals Something you aim for that takes planning and hard work Setting goals are an effective way to: Build self-confidence Increase your self-esteem Improve overall health Two types of goals Two types of goals are short term and long term.
Setting Personal Health Goals Short Term Goals A goal that you can reach in a short period of time Often steps in a plan to achieve long term goals Examples? To get to class on time, to score 10 points in your next basketball game, to get a B+ or better on your next Math test, etc…
Setting Personal Health Goals Long Term Goals Goal you plan to reach over an extended period of time May take months or years to accomplish Examples? To have a 3.5 GPA or better for high school, to run a marathon, to go to college, etc…
Create an Action Plan To establish and reach your goals, create an action plan following these steps: Step 1: Set a specific, realistic goal, and write it down – something positive Step 2: List steps you will take to reach your goal, look for ways to break your larger goals into smaller, short term goals Step 3: Identify sources of help and support list Examples? Parents, teachers, coaches, peers, people within a specific industry, etc…
Create an Action Plan Step 4: Set a reasonable time frame for reaching your goal and put it in writing Step 5: Evaluate your progress by establishing checkpoints Step 6: REWARD YOURSELF!! Rewarding: Short goals typically have smaller rewards than long term goals because of the amount of work that was needed to achieve them.
Example: Short Term Goal My goal - Be on time to class this week Steps to reach this goal - manage my time in the hallways and between classes Sources of help and support - friends that make it to class on time, not talking to friends between classes Time frame for this goal - daily Checkpoints for evaluation of progress- at the end of each day I’ll check to see if I made it to every class on time. Reward for achieving this goal – a bowl of ice cream
Example: Long Term Goal My goal – to run a marathon Steps to reach this goal – daily training to prepare my body, eating nutritious meals Sources of help and support – Cross Country coach, family member who has run a marathon before, online running community Time frame for this goal – 1 year Checkpoints for evaluation of progress – weekly workouts, monthly checkpoints for progress and adjustment Reward for achieving this goal - $1000 clothes shopping spree.
Quiz List 3 things that happen to you when you use goal setting. What are the two types of goals? List the six steps of goal setting.