The Netherlands Parliamentary Elections 2017 Irene Arnold, 24th May 2017 Research Seminar: Reporting Europe
Parliamentary Election Results March 15, 2017 Distribution: 13 parties and 150 Parliamentary seats 2012-2017: percentages of votes per party VVD Largest party 21.1%, nationwide patterns Turnout 2017: 81.9%
Participants (28) and final Parttakers (13)
The Key Actors
Exit polls: Green runs the Dutch vote. 2012 vs Exit polls: Green runs the Dutch vote. 2012 vs. 2017: VVD -10; PVV +4; CDA +6; D66 +7; Groen Links +12; SP -1; PvdA -29; CU +1; PVdD +3; 50+ +2 etc Source: IPSOS
Coalition forming in a scattered landscape: four potential scenario’s
Electoral game changers: Pim Fortuyn (1948-2002) and Theo van Gogh (1957-2004)
Campaigning: battle for the ‘indecisive voter’ and scattered representatives
Campaigning: the national prism
Campaigning: nostalgia as offensive strategy
Alternative campaigning and scapegoating: immigration, discrimination, multiculturalism
Campaigning: the ‘new normality’
The political geography of the Netherlands Age-old dividing lines and paradigmatic electoral patterns
A divided country
Right wins the vote everywhere … Except for Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leudal
Populist blocks biggest in the south and northeast of the NLs Source: De Correspondent, Josse de Voogd, ..
Left voter lives more often in the city
Political patterns reveal segregation and gentrification in the larger cities
The Netherlands Second Denmark second: Germany second: Russia second: Japan second: And so forth …