Remarks on Russian capabilities in industrial accelerators development Eugene Levichev Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia
Accelerators in Russia Traditionally accelerator science and technology have strong position in Russia Glorious names: Veksler, Budker, Kolomensky, Skrinsky, Sarantsev, … Achievements: RF acceleration stability, colliding beams, electron cooling, RFQ principle, linear colliders, muon colliders, … Proton and ion accelerators: JINR, IHEP, ITEP,… Electron accelerators: BINP, NIIEFA, … There are technologies and experience in Russian scientific organization to develop and produce of any kind of accelerator
Example: Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Positron/electron colliders Positron/electron injection facilities for HEP Proton accelerators for electron cooling experiments Powerful accelerators for plasma heating Basic research Synchrotron radiation and FEL Industrial electron accelerators Accelerators for medical application Accelerator mass spectrometer Neutron generators Electron/ion sources Applied research Total staff of BINP is ~2700: Scientists ~ 500 Engineers ~ 400 Laboratory technicians ~ 400 Workshop personnel ~ 1000 Administration ~ 200 Support personnel ~ 200
BINP accelerators for basic science VEPP-4 collider VEPP-2000 collider Plasma heating accelerator Positron damping ring 300 MeV linac Electron cooler
BINP accelerators for industry ILU accelerator BNCT neutron generator ELV accelerator 10 MeV RF accelerator Parallel feeding RF linac 2 kA 2MeV inductive electron accelerator AMS tandem
What do we need to develop radiation technologies in Russia? Integration of specialists in acc and rad technologies. RadTech Association is very positive! This workshop is very positive! (Thanks to organizers) Accelerator science and technology in Russia are more advanced than radiation technology (chemistry, biology, semiconductors, etc.). We need educate radiation technology specialists. Integration of all Russian structures (collaboration, not competition!). RAS Accelerator Council should be definitely incorporated in this activity. We need a network of multipurpose industrial accelerator centers to develop new radiation technologies and to educate relevant specialists.
Summary Russia has a strong potential for development of accelerators and radiation technologies Arrangement on a governmental level is necessary (financial supports, legal issues, coordination, etc.) Collaboration of all Russian organizations active in this field is necessary (Role of Association). Special education program for radiation industry (Sk University?). International collaboration with foreign scientific centers and companies is desirable. 7 7