Gustar and Similar Verbs 1) Remember that the verb gustar only has two forms: gusta: singular or gustan: plural 2) You figure out which one to use by what comes after the verb: *singular noun or infinitive=singular form Ex. Me gusta la pizza. or Me gusta cocinar la pizza. *plural noun or more than one noun = plural form Ex. Me gustan las pizzas. or Me gustan la pizza y el queso. 3) You must put an indirect object pronoun before the verb. Me Nos Te X Le Les
More Verbs like Gustar These verbs also act like gustar Aburrir: to bore aburre or aburren Doler (o>ue): to ache duele or duelen Encantar: to love encanta or encantan Fascinar: to fascinate fascina or fascinan Importar: to matter importa or importan Interesar: to interest interesa or interesan Molestar: to bother molesta or molestan Parecer: to seem parece or parecen Quedar: to fit queda or quedan Faltar: to lack falta or faltan