Agreement Nouns and Adjectives
Big Ideas: Nouns Nouns are people, places and things. In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine. All nouns are also either singular or plural depending on how many there are.
Big Ideas: Gender Normally, nouns that end in ‘o’ are masculine and words that end in ‘a’ are feminine. If we are talking about a group of people that has males and females, we use the masculine plural version as the default.
Definite Articles When you learn a noun or see it in the dictionary, it will have a definite article. These words mean “the.” Masculine Feminine Singular EL LA Plural LOS LAS
Definite Article Practice Are these words masculine or feminine? Singular or plural? La chica Las clases El estudiante Los amigos
Definite Article Practice Are these words masculine or feminine? Singular or plural? La chica FEMININE, SINGULAR Las clases FEMININE, PLURAL El estudiante MASCULINE, SINGULAR Los amigos MASCULINE, PLURAL
Indefinite Articles If you are talking about nouns, you might use the word “a” or “some” instead. That’s called an indefinite article. Masculine Feminine Singular UN UNA Plural UNOS UNAS
Article Practice What do these phrases mean? La chica Unas clases Un estudiante Los amigos
Article Practice What do these phrases mean? La chica THE GIRL Unas clases SOME CLASSES Un estudiante A STUDENT Los amigos THE FRIENDS
Big Ideas: Adjectives Adjectives are words that describe nouns (big, tall, kind, difficult). In Spanish, we put adjectives AFTER nouns in a sentence. In Spanish, adjectives have to match the noun it describes in gender and number.
More Big Ideas: Agreement If an adjective ends in ‘o,’ you can switch it to an ‘a’ to make it feminine. If an adjective ends in a vowel, you add an ‘s’ to make it plural. If an adjective ends in a consonant, you add an ‘es’ to make it plural.
Adjectives So most adjectives in Spanish actually have 4 versions: “GOOD” Masculine Feminine Singular BUENO BUENA Plural BUENOS BUENAS
Adjectives Or, if it ends in ‘e’ or a consonant, it only has 2 versions. “BIG” Masculine Feminine Singular GRANDE Plural GRANDES
Adjective Practice What do these phrases mean? La chica alta Unas clases buenas Un estudiante serio Los amigos jóvenes
Adjective Practice What do these phrases mean? La chica alta THE TALL GIRL Unas clases buenas THE GOOD CLASSES Un estudiante serio A SERIOUS STUDENT Los amigos jóvenes THE YOUNG FRIENDS
Your Turn How would you say these phrases in Spanish? The big class A tall boy Some old men The young woman
Your Turn How would you say these phrases in Spanish? The big class LA CLASE GRANDE A tall boy UN CHICO ALTO Some old men UNOS HOMBRES VIEJOS The young woman LA MUJER JOVEN
Ser If you want to make a sentence describing someone with an adjective, you need the verb SER. SINGULAR FORMS PLURAL FORMS Yo SOY Nosotros/as SOMOS Tú ERES Vosotros/os SOIS Él/ella/usted ES Ellos/ellas/ustedes SON
Full Sentences Use a form of ser and matching adjectives to make these sentences. I am big. She is tall. We are old (m&f). The girls are serious.
Use a form of ser and matching adjectives to make these sentences. I am big. YO SOY GRANDE. She is tall. ELLA ES ALTA. We are old (m&f). NOSOTROS SOMOS VIEJOS. The girls are serious. LAS CHICAS SON SERIAS.