Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in Korea By Kim, Sung Jin Korea Labor Foundation (KLF) Seoul, Korea
Q1 How many workers do you need to form a trade union in your country?
Q2 Who are the actors of industrial relations?
Q3 Is it possible for a trade union to bargain collectively with the employer without having been recognized?
Q4 How do you think of a trade union without a collective agreement?
1. Historical background to industrial relations in Korea ○ Korea War in 1950-53 ○ Image of trade unions and labor movement in a conservative society of divided Korea
○ Political authoritarianism after 1961 military coup, and Park Chung-hee, Jeon Doo-whan regimes until 1987 ○ Heavy restrictions on freedom of association ○ Industrialization driven by the exports; restricting trade union activities
○ Enterprise-based trade unions – weak and dependent on employers ○ Full-time union officers paid by employers ○ Most of collective negotiations at the enterprise level – employers with upper hand
2. Political democratization and 1987 industrial relations system ○ Political freedom won from 1987 democracy struggle ○ Fresh opportunities for “democratic trade unions” to be organized and independent of employers and the state(KCTU) ○ Old unions also more active than before, but moderate until 1990s(FKTU)
○ Support of workers and general public alike to trade union movement ○ Union’s negotiation power > employers’ power ○ Single, strong enterprise-based unions
3. 1997 industrial relations system ○ New FKTU in solidarity with KCTU in 1997 workers’ struggle ○ Freedom of association permitted at the industry and national level (industrial unions/federations, and national union centers) ○ Multiple unions not yet allowed at the enterprise level
4. 2010 industrial relations system ○ Ban on payment to full-time union officers by employers (unfair labor practice) ○ Paid time-off, instead
5. 2011 industrial relations system ○ Freedom of association to all levels ○ Collective bargaining in the multiple union system
6. Concluding and Q5 ○ Bargaining power of parties/actors ○ Bargaining level (enterprise, sub-sectoral, regional, industry, national) ○ Social dialogue ○ What is your opinion for stronger bargaining power in full freedom of association?