Keeping participants engaged Sharing our practice By Idela Hernandez
We were asked to present on : How we facilitate getting forms and documents to the potential Participant (IWP development) and after the person becomes a Participant? - Signatures, - Review of docs, etc. By Idela Hernandez
We practice the following: 1- Immediate contact with the potential TTW participant: The sooner the better. If possible within the first 24 hours of the referral. It would make a difference in the future professional relationship. Immediate response is a key element for establishing the trust and rapport. 2- Listen and Take Notes: During our first contact, always listen carefully and take notes of the things that are relevant to them. For instance, if they have doctors appointments in the morning, I will write a note in their contact to make sure I do call them in the afternoon. 3- Initiate contact via phone, if unable to make contact, send them an email, or last use the regular mail. By Idela Hernandez
We practice the following: 4- Keep the beneficiary engaged We practice the following: 4- Keep the beneficiary engaged. We send educational literature addressing work incentives or other issues that are relevant to them. Something simple, that they can relay with and feel you can guide them. Bottom line, inform them and let them know you are here to help them. 5- Facilitate the documents and follow up with a phone call to explain what they need to do with the documents. (BPQY, Information Gathering Tool, or IWP). By Idela Hernandez
We practice the following: 6- Make contact with the participants every month. Ask them questions about their health, how they want us to assist them in searching or maintaining a job. Offer them with possible solutions to barriers they may have. Send them greeting messages on their birthday and/or on special holidays. Also it is very powerful to give them little assignments and follow up to measure progress. Let them know they are in the driving seat, and we are here only supporting them. Besides the requirement of keeping a monthly log to be in compliance as an EN service provider, it gives the beneficiary the sense of ownership, stability and belongingness. By Idela Hernandez
We practice the following: 7- Secure email: We provide the beneficiaries with a link that contains our secure email for them to send us the signed documents in a secure and safe method. This provides them peace of mind. They would value that our agency follows SSA rules and regulations when it comes to protect their confidentiality. There are many companies providing the secure /encrypt email service out there: Just google for secure email and you will find many options, including free service. I personally use privacy data systems – which I pay 14.00 or 16.00 monthly, but I am very satisfied with this product. In case you want to check this out, here is the website: When beneficiaries feel cared, assisted, and protected the chances for them to follow through and becoming self-sufficient are absolutely higher. By Idela Hernandez
Keeping participants engaged My tip to other EN Service Providers is…. “Deliver excellent customer service and the customers will come to you”…. By Idela Hernandez