How to do the Valley Forge DBQ.
What does DBQ stand for? D = document B = based Q= Questions
What are you doing with this packet? Read and highlight the background information on page 1 Answer the questions on page 2 Read & analyze documents A-D and highlight key information. Answer the questions that go along with the documents. What’s the objective? You will write an essay that states whether you would stay in Valley Forge or would you leave? You will need to have 3 reasons that you find in the documents.
Writing your essay Introductory paragraph: needs to state your stance: leaving or staying. 3 pronged thesis statement: naming your 3 reasons for staying or leaving. Body paragraph: All three reasons with back up evidence that is cited from the documents ( document letter) Conclusion paragraph: Restate your stance from you introductory paragraph. Highlight your thesis, and 3 reasons