FDR & The New Deal Chapter 23 Part 2
Election of 1932 Central issue of election = the ______________ Republicans wanted _________; Democrats wanted __________ When nominated as Democrat candidate, FDR spoke to the audience (not the normal procedure) Speech promised a “__________” for Americans—a set of policies he promised would end the depression. SIDE NOTE: Promised to cut spending by 25% (without saying how)—asked the government to try “bold, persistent experimentation”—(without saying on what).
Election of 1932 Hoover also ran hard. However, by election day, voters still believed Hoover to have caused the ___________ and believed he did not know how to fix it. ________ won.
Roosevelt’s government FDR’s presidency marked a shift in politics that has lasted to this day. Government’s non-interference and ______________ responsibility over financial decisions/consequences shifted into a _______________-managed economy and provision of ______ (financial aid).
FDR – A Quick NOTE 1921: FDR contracted ______; became paralyzed from hips down. Refused to be seen in a ________—was helped to walk to podium. FDR chose to use his disease to challenge him and lived with an infectious optimism—this quickly translated to his political statements.
FDR – Assassination Attempt – Side Note Roosevelt traveled to Miami, Florida shortly before being inaugurated. Feb. 15: Parade! His car was to stop and he was to give a speech from the back seat. Man in the crowd, Giuseppe Zangara, fired five shots from a .32 caliber pistol. None his FDR because a woman standing next to him pushed Zangara when she realized what he was about to do. Bullets did hit four bystanders and the mayor of Chicago, Anton Cermak, who was in the car with FDR. Cermak died three weeks later. Zangara arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. Executed on March 21st.
Putting the New Deal into Action America bankrupt—spent money they did not have. _____: “They only thing we have to fear is __________… the people of the United States have not failed … ” People wanted comfort/action from the government to get them out of their mess; FDR succeeded in winning them over—he said what they wanted to hear.
Putting the New Deal into Action Roosevelt put together a group of college professors to be his advisors; called them a “__________”. Began with the _________________ which included provision for “_____________”. Next, called Congress into a ___________ to discuss options. Next, FDR began his first of many “___________”. These were radio addresses to the “common people” of the nation; reassured them all was being done to help them; helped keep the people on his side.
Congress Congress realized that FDR was uber-popular. Wanted to keep in good graces with public too. Became FDR’s “____________” – approved just about every proposal.
Agriculture FDR began setting up emergency relief funds and agencies to create employment. Farmers were about to lose farms, so FDR created a refinancing committee for them. FDR wanted to increase farmers’ purchasing power—instituted the __________________________ Farmers paid to __________ and/or ____________ that were grown.
Businesses In effort to help businesses recovery, FDR created the __________ _________________________________ Goal was to eliminate “_________________” among firms. Rules written and given to businesses they had to agree to abide by. Companies that complied with these rules were allowed to display the NRA’s __________________.
Businesses Another law established the __________________________. Employed young men in conserving natural resources. Earned the nicknames “The ________” or “The ___________” May 1933: Congress created the _________________________ to provide public power projects on the TN River. Built 30 dams to produce and sell electricity, control flooding/erosion, et cetera. Put the federal government in competition with private companies who were trying to do the same thing. 1935: _____________________ created – put more people to work by creating jobs to build hospitals, schools, parks, playgrounds, airports, etc. _____________ of people hired—everyone from _______to ________. EG of WPA project – Timberline Lodge