Primordial follicle What are these?
vagina What is this?
Uterus/ oviduct What is this?
Uterine tubes What are these?
suspensory ligaments What are these?
Corpus albicans What is this?
Primordial follicles What are these?
cervix What is this?
What are these (yellow part)? secondary Oocyte 23
round ligament What is #26 these?
What are these finger-like structures? fimbriae
Corona radiata What is this capsule of granulosa cells?
Primary follicle What are these?
What is this outer layer? perimetrium
ovarian ligament What is this #9?
ovary What is this?
ovarian ligaments What are these?
Primary follicle What is this?
Primary Oocyte, 46 What is inside this follicle?
antrum What is this Fluid filled cavity?
vagina What is this?
Secondary follicles What are these?
endometrium What is this?
oogonia 46 What are these?
Vesicular (Graafian) follicle What is this whole thing?
Uterine tube What is this?
cervix What is this?
myometrium What is #23?
Vesicular (Graafian) follicle What is this?
Zona pellucida What is this extracellular layer?
Corpus luteum What are these?
Zona pellucida What is this extracellular layer?
Corpus albicans What are these?
antrum What is this fluid filled part?
Primary oocyte, 46 What is this?
endometrium What is #24?
Suspensory ligament What is #18?
uterus What is this?
Broad ligament What is #12?
Corpus luteum What is this?
Round ligament What is this?
Corona radiate What is this surrounding capsule of cells?
Broad ligament What is this?
Follicles (early & late) secondary Follicles (early & late) What are these?
Suspensory ligament What is this?
oogonia 46 What are these?
ovaries What are these?