Clinical Practice Guidelines and Document Submission April 18. 2014
ELCC-NCATE Assumptions Embedded in Standards Improving student achievement is the central responsibility of school leadership. The practice of school leadership is well-established as its own research-based body of knowledge. The preparation of school leaders requires overt connections and bridging experiences between research and practice. The preparation of school leader requires comprehensive, field- based practice in and feedback from the field over an extended period time in powerful clinical learning experiences.
COLORADO PRINCIPAL QUALITY STANDARDS (CPQS) “ Great principals take responsibility for the success of every student in their school.” The CPQS: Outline the knowledge and essential skills required of an excellent principal. Identify the complex components of high-quality leadership. Are the core of the principal evaluation process. Are a tool for self-reflection, goal setting and professional growth. Are aligned with the ELCC-NCATE Standards
ALPS Clinical Practice Requirements High quality clinical experiences in Building-Level Leadership Connecting research to leadership “practices” in schools Bridging content knowledge to clinical practice experiences
Principal Licensure Candidate Performance Review ELCC-NCATE STANDARDS Educational Leadership Policy Standard: ISLLC 2008 Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium ELCC (Educational Leadership Consortium) NCATE (National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education) Presented in 2010 COLORADO PRINCIPAL QUALITY STANDARDS The Great Teachers and Leaders Act SB-191 in May of 2010 The statewide Principal Quality Standards provide shared understanding of the essentials of great leadership - A Common Vision. Excellent principals are responsible for the collective success of their schools, including the learning, growth, and achievement of both students and staff.
Clinical Practice PLC Final Log Deadline for submission is July 7, 2014 Deadlines Approved PLC Logs are in Canvas Submission of Log on April 30, 2014 Submission of Log on May 31, 2014 Submission of Log on June 30, 2014 Final Log submitted in LIVETEXT on or before July 7, 2014. Accumulation of all monthly submissions Approval from Site Supervisor Accounting hours for each Standard and Element addressed Rubrics for Grading Comprehensive collection of Clinical Practice field experiences. Minimum Total of 400 Clinical Practice Hours of Experiences Accounting of CP Hours Records showing the distribution across the 7 Colorado Principal Quality Standards Records showing the distribution across the 17 identified CP Standards and Elements
Principal Licensure Candidate Reflections Deadline for Submission July 11, 2014 Deadlines Approved reflections are in Canvas Submission on April 30, 2014 Submission on May 31, 2014 Submission on June 30, 2014 All Reflections are to be submitted in LIVETEXT on or before July 12, 2014. Accumulation of 17 CP Reflections Rubrics for grading PLC Reflections include: Calendar referenced experiences References to CP field experiences Awareness through acquiring concepts, information, definitions and procedures Understanding through interpreting, integrating and using information Application of knowledge and skills to a specific problem or opportunity
Principal Licensure Candidate Evaluation Deadline for Submission is July 14, 2014 Deadlines Submission of UCD Self Evaluation on or before June 30, 2014 Submission of State Performance Review to Site Supervisor on or before July 3, 2014. Submission of Site Supervisor evaluation on or before July 10, 2014. All Evaluations are to be submitted in LIVETEXT on or before July 14, 2014. Rubrics for grading PLC Evaluation includes: UCD Performance Review UCD Peer Performance Review Conference CPQS Self-Evaluation Field Site Supervisor Performance Review UCD CP Supervisor Conference
Performance Reviews are a part of the Overall Clinical Practice Evaluation Use as a point of reference your anticipated growth in terms of awareness, knowledge and understanding of leadership after beginning ALPS Records your growth and development for the future Bridges the gap between your current reality to your vision of the future Incorporates feedback from others Allows you to continuously create goals and professional opportunities Focus is on your future leadership development Evaluation Process for establishing the effort and energy you placed in the ALPS Clinical Practice Field Experiences A “snap shot” or reference of your current reality using research-based leadership assessment in an educational environment Records the feedback from a field or site supervisor References to other leaders that have guided you during the CP experiences Provides documentation of your participation in ALPS
Performance Review Workshop April 19, 2014 1 to 4 p.m. CPQS Rubrics Review CPQS Standards and Elements Peer Review Documents or Artifacts Having a Crucial Conversation with your Site-Supervisor
Class Evaluation 1. Discussion of Expectations 2 Class Evaluation 1. Discussion of Expectations 2. Check Relevancy of Rubrics 3. Modification of Deadlines