Sit with your content area Welcome to LDC! Introduction DENISE Sit with your content area
Our Facilitators Kate Grindon Denise Carrell KDE Effectiveness Coach, KDE Twitter: @kategrindon Rick Daniel JCPS K-12 Social Studies Specialist Chase Austin JCPS MS Social Studies GCC Rebecca Ingram JCPS HS Social Studies GCC Denise Carrell JCPS Middle School ELA Specialist Diane Cole JCPS ELA Goal Clarity Coach Debi Phillips DENISE
Norms Working Agreements for a Successful PL Opportunity Rule of Two Feet Keep yourself comfortable! (snacks, restroom, movement) Honor Time Start/End/Breaks Limit Side Conversations Pause Points/Transitions Respectful Technology Cell phones on vibrate Relevant Technology DENISE
LDC Goals Moving Forward Build capacity in schools so LDC will spread and beyond the life of the grant Cross-school collaboration so that students across the district are experiencing rigorous, standards-based instruction Cross-school collaboration to increase PLC work so that teachers can spend more time evaluating student work and individualizing instruction and less time creating modules/units Rick Focused support in 2 areas, better support, more focused support,
Today’s Targets I can use a tuning protocol to share and reflect on student work I understand how a module is organized and can explain the parts of a module. I can use criteria to identify a standards-aligned task. I can search for and find a task to teach appropriate for upcoming content. I can search for and find mini-tasks I will use to ensure students are successful on the identified end task. Rebecca Bullets 3&4--Direct them toward starter and exemplary tasks with ladder and explain how they work.
Reflection In July, you selected 2-3 mini-tasks you decided to try with your students in Cycle 1 What were your content goals for this period of instruction? What was your goal for this mini-task? Based on your analysis of student work, how well did the mini-task achieve that goal? Based on your analysis of student work, how well did the mini-task help your students achieve the content learning goal? Rebecca 4-square! CONTENT/MINI-TASK/ACHIEVE/ACHIEVE Just the Facts!
Mini-Task Student Work Share DIANE
Sharing Student Work Protocol Honor the transparency of the sharer Conversation is based on student work Sharer explains: What went well What you might do differently next time Any questions you’d like feedback on Tablemates may ONLY share: Warm feedback Cool feedback Sharer’s question 5 min per sharer (total!) DIANE Copies of SSWP, enough for them to write on
Sections of an LDC Module Identify Desired Results What do my students need to know and be able to do? Determine Acceptable Evidence How are my students going to be able to demonstrate that they know it and can do it? Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction How are my students going to learn what they need to know and be able to do? Denise Planning always begins with standards, but then it moves to identifying how students will demonstrate the learning. Once this has been identified, you must consider what students need to know and be able to do in order to be successful at the end task. So this is truly backwards design. Starting at the ending point!
LDC Template Task → Teaching Task Teaching Task A4: (Analysis) Does the National Security Agency (NSA) infringe upon our rights or protect them? After reading a variety of informational texts on the role of government in protecting the safety and rights of its citizens, write an editorial for your school newspaper in which you argue whether the NSA protects our rights or infringes upon them. Support your position with evidence from the text(s). Be sure to acknowledge competing views. KATE
focus/essential/driving question multiple responses/ no bias* Color Coding Key focus/essential/driving question “text” selection writing product cognitive demand content focus standard multiple responses/ no bias*
Now You Try: Teaching Task A2: (Analysis) Were the achievements and growth of the Industrial Revolution Era worth the cost to society? After reading secondary and primary sources pertaining to the British Industrial Revolution, write an argumentation essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views.
LDC Template Task → Teaching Task Teaching Task A2: (Analysis) Were the achievements and growth of the Industrial Revolution Era worth the cost to society? After reading secondary and primary sources pertaining to the British Industrial Revolution, write an argumentation essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. Kate
Try Another One: After reading "Attack of the Man-Eaters," write an essay in which you analyze how the author uses specific sentences and sections to develop the central idea of the text. Support your discussion with evidence from the text/s. What conclusions can you draw about the impact of how the author groups and sequences ideas? Kate
LDC Template Task → Teaching Task After reading "Attack of the Man-Eaters," write an essay in which you analyze how the author uses specific sentences and sections to develop the central idea of the text. Support your discussion with evidence from the text/s. What conclusions can you draw about the impact of how the author groups and sequences ideas? Kate
Check out the new starter tasks! So many things to think about and decide! After reading the primary source documents "Boudinot Pamphlet" and "Cherokee Letter", and analyzing an artistic representation of the Cherokee relocation of the early 1800s , write an essay in which you analyze each author's viewpoint about the impact of westward movement on the Cherokee tribes. Support your discussion with evidence from the text/s. Diane move the text key to pages 11, 12, and 14 and change to Social Studies starter task
Check out the new starter tasks! Based on standards Fewer decisions = easier/faster! So many things to think about and decide! After reading the primary source documents "Boudinot Pamphlet" and "Cherokee Letter", and analyzing an artistic representation of the Cherokee relocation of the early 1800s , write an essay in which you analyze each author's viewpoint about the impact of westward movement on the Cherokee tribes. Support your discussion with evidence from the text/s. “text” selection **Just search for “Starter Tasks” in CoreTools!** Make a note about the social studies tasks being able to change out the content as well.
Module Components Work in pairs Each person--Search for an Exemplary or Good to Go module in your content area Look at 2 different modules On your “Components of an LDC Module” organizer, look through your modules and create a common “Table of Contents” of the commonalities in each section of an LDC module. Chase Module Components Handout
Common Task Pitfalls Task Not Standards-Driven Grand Thematic Question Template/Task Mismatch Problematic Texts (too many/too few, etc.) Task Answerable without Texts Task Does Not Require Higher-Order Thinking Built in Bias Not Central to Discipline Content Too Broad/Too Narrow KATE
Task Pitfalls—Gallery Walk Work with partners to identify pitfalls present in sample tasks Use pitfalls document to revise the task and resolve any pitfalls present. KATE NEED: Task Pitfalls Card Sort
We’ll start again in one hour! Send them link to JCPS folders We’ll start again in one hour!
Modules in CoreTools Some of the modules may be good for ideas, but to implement a module, select a good to go or exemplary.
What Content? Resources Modules Created by Content Area JCPS Curriculum Maps Kentucky Academic Standards Starter Tasks Benchmark mini-tasks Modules Created by Content Area What content will you try a task with? DENISE Copies: Modules created by content area Make sure to note that these have not been juried
Adopt and Adapt Choose a task you’d like to try What mini-tasks would you like to steal? What adaptations do you need to make for your students? DENISE
Expectations for December 6 Try one task (transparency for kids, connecting daily LTs) Try a mini-task from at least two of the following areas: Preparing for the task Reading Process Transition to Writing (Speaking and Listening) Writing Process Try the end product Bring student work samples to share. Rick
Work Time Choose a task you’d like to try What mini-tasks would you like to steal? What adaptations do you need to make for your students? Chase
LDC Goals Moving Forward Build capacity in schools so LDC will continue after the life of the grant Cross-school collaboration so that students across the district are experiencing rigorous, standards-based instruction Cross-school collaboration to increase PLC work so that teachers can spend more time evaluating student work and individualizing instruction and less time creating modules/units DEBI
Today’s Targets I can use a tuning protocol to share and reflect on student work I understand how a module is organized and can explain the parts of a module. I can use criteria to identify a standards-aligned task. I can search for and find a task to teach appropriate for upcoming content. I can search for and find mini-tasks I will use to ensure students are successful on the identified end task. Rebecca
Please Complete Your Evaluation Denise – be sure to complete JCPS evaluation for PD Credit. Feedback form- Diane Student work protocol