How we use it in our everyday lives DIVISION How we use it in our everyday lives
Vocabulary Dividend-the number that is being divided in a division problem (think dividend, the number at the front end) Divisor-the number that divides the dividend (think dive, the number that dives into the bigger number) Quotient- the answer in a division problem (think “Q” for quit because now you are finished)
How we use division in our everyday lives When we prepare dinner… Example: We have 4 people for dinner and 8 pieces of chicken. 8 divided by 4 equals 2. Each person should get 2 pieces of chicken. The number 8 is the dividend (number being divided). The number 4 is the divisor (number that divides the dividend). The number 2 is the quotient )or the answer of the division problem).
How we use division in our everyday lives In P.E. … Example: We have 20 students at P.E. today and we need to make 2 teams. How do we divide the students? Can you make a division problem with the numbers given to you above?
Division Problem Good, yes the problem would be 20 divided by 2. What is the dividend? Right, the dividend is 20. What is the divisor? Correct, the answer is 2. What is the quotient? Yes, the answer is 10.
The Doorbell Rang By Pat Hutchins Let’s Read The Doorbell Rang By Pat Hutchins
Let’s review our division problems from the story! How many cookies did Ma make for Sam and Victoria at the beginning of the book? 12 is the answer. Once Sam and Victoria divided the 12 cookies among themselves, how many did they each have? Did you answer 6? Good job! After Tom and Hannah came over, the children had to divide 12 cookies among 4 people. 12 divided by 4= That’s right, the answer is 3!
More Review GREAT JOB CLASS!!!! Peter and his little brother came over next, how many children are sharing now? Yes, Peter and his little brother make 6 children in all. 12 divided by 6= 2 is correct Next, Joy and Simon came with their four cousins and there was 12 children. 12 divided by 12 = 1 cookie each GREAT JOB CLASS!!!!