4th Grade Multiplication/division quiz Elizabeth mai
1. Fill in the multiplication table 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Directions for question #2 & 3: Read all the directions Highlight or underline your answer If you don’t know the answer, make an educated guess Good luck!
A multiplication sign could be: X - + / Question #2 A multiplication sign could be: X - + /
A Division sign could be: + / X - Question #3 A Division sign could be: + / X -
Read the question carefully Type your answers on the answer line For questions #4-15: Read the question carefully Type your answers on the answer line Try your best Good luck!
Name all the multiples of 7 Answer: Question #4 Name all the multiples of 7 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 9 Answer: Question #5 Name all the multiples of 9 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 1 Answer: Question #6 Name all the multiples of 1 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 5 Answer: Question #7 Name all the multiples of 5 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 10 Answer: Question #8 Name all the multiples of 10 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 2 Answer: Question #9 Name all the multiples of 2 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 11 Answer: Question #10 Name all the multiples of 11 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 3 Answer: Question #11 Name all the multiples of 3 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 12 Answer: Question #12 Name all the multiples of 12 Answer:
Name all the Multiples of 4 Answer: Question #13 Name all the Multiples of 4 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 8 Answer: Question #14 Name all the multiples of 8 Answer:
Name all the multiples of 6 Answer: Question #15 Name all the multiples of 6 Answer:
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