California eLearning Framework California County Superintendent’s Educational Services Association
eLearning Framework Overview Online Learning Blended Learning eLearning Framework Overview (
Top 2 Resources
Definition: Online Learning online learning (“virtual” = “online” = “cyber” = “e”): Teacher-led instruction delivered primarily via the Internet that includes software to provide a structured learning environment, and where the student and teacher are separated geographically.
Full-time online schools (students enroll full-time) Available in 30 states and Washington DC Estimated 250,000 full-time online students 25% annual increase California Virtual Academy (CAVA) estimated 10,000 – 19,000 ADA
State virtual schools (students may enroll part-time) 536,000 course enrollments in state virtual schools 19% annual increase FLVS and North Carolina account for much of the total increase
Definition: Blended Learning Blended learning is… a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace And at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home.
Blended Learning Blended Learning IS NOT: Where teacher uses electronic white board with online curriculum to lecture Where student uses online textbooks instead of hardcopy ones 1:1 laptops/devices in and of themselves
Blended learning dimensions
Blended learning dimensions
Blended learning dimensions
Resources: Keeping Pace 2011 Classifying K-12 Blended Learning Classifying K-12 Blended Learning California eLearning Framework http://
Discussion Question 1 What is your district doing now with online and blended learning?
Discussion Question 2 What would you like to do, and what limits you from providing it? (Funding/staffing are not sufficient responses)
Discussion Question 3 What policy barriers are in place that block or hinder your efforts to create online and blended opportunities for students? What policies would you change at the state or district level?