Input for “Research and Innovation” – WG of PA 7 Viorel Vulturescu Based on presenation and work done by: Walter Reckendorfer, Eva Feldbacher witin DANCERS project Wassercluster Lunz, AUSTRIA E-mail: Adrian Stănică, GeoEcoMar, ROMANIA E-mail:
DANCERS and PA 7 EUSDR = no additional money to the existing ones Main funding sources of activities within PA 7: FP7, Structural Funds (national), Regional Programs (e.g. South East Europe and future DANUBE, national programs, etc.). DANCERS: an EU FP7 project (started on 1 June 2013) carried out FOR DANUBE REGION
FP 7 - DANCERS "DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea)“ Grant agreement no: 603805 / 2013 Start date: 1 June 2013, duration 24 months
FP7 DANCERS - “Ultimate deliverables” Toolbox of instruments containing: Strategic research agenda, concept and detailed plan of the distributed research infrastructures for the Danube – Black Sea Macrosystem Proposals for an integrated educational program with the full cooperation of partners from Danube - Black Sea Macrosystem.
DANCERS Metadatabase (WP1) - Geonetwork
DANCERS WP1, Metadatabase Software GeoNetwork Free and Open Source Software (FOSS principles) Tested in practice, e.g. by UN-Organisations FAO, UNEP, WFP, WHO… Integrated database For large datasets: compatible with Open Source Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL Walter
ISO Core information Metadata information Date Metadata Author/Contact Language Metadata Standard Metadata ID Walter
ISO Core information Data Information Title, Date, Abstract Point of Contact Descriptive keywords Extent – temporal and geographical Reference System Information Maintenance Information Constraints Distribution Information Data Quality Walter
DANCERS WP1, Metadatabase Database variables – additional info important for DANCERS To assess/analyse program/project output Program type (FP type) Funding type (DGs, structural funds, national…) Number of countries involved Coordinator of the project (country and organisation name) Project budget (total amount) Partnership structure (number of partners, names…) Output types (papers, patents, maps, datasets…) Project webpage (or other source of information) Metrics for project evaluation (papers, patents, researchers trained…) Core category (Science, Research Infrastructure, Human Capital) Geographic Location (upper, middle, lower Danube, coastal zone, Western BS) Walter
DANCERS WP1, Metadatabase Requirements on DANCERS metadatabase Development of specific metadata profiles/standard input scheme that suits the needs of the DANCERS Two templates for DANCERS: One based on ISO standard (for geographic data) One based on Dublin Core (for programs, reports, publications etc.) Both with additional fields for projects/programmes analysis Walter
Data Input
DANCERS WP1, Metadatabase Further possibilities “Harvest" function for the incorporation of existing ISO- conform databases that may then be searched within the DANCERS database Can provide link to data and associated information (pdf, docx, zip, ….) Future: Can provide link to Geoserver (Post GIS) Walter
DANCERS WP1, Metadatabase GeoNetwork Metadatabase – Help Comprehensive online User Manual via geoNetwork homepage ( WCL compiles a short UserManual about how to use the database and how to enter/query data Walter
DANCERS WP1, Metadatabase - Timeplan Agree on software - Geonetworks & PostgreSQL Creation of a specific template for DANCERS Set up centralized Metadatabase at WCL Implementation of user mangement September Test phase with partners September/Okober Link to data / manucripts is desired or necessary * Centralized data storage * Decentralized storage ? – individual solutions for data management (including security, archiving, responsibility, …) have to be implemented Distribution of geoNetwork UserManual end of September Data input by individual partners October to December Walter
DANCERS & PA 7 DANCERS deliverables may use as input to PA 7 but PA 7 work is important to DANCERS DANCERS consortium (expenses covered by the EC !!) will provide outputs to PA 7 (R&I groups as well as other groups) PA 7 (R&I) will benefit of activities done at European level in DANCERS Inputs from (non)research funding agencies are more than welcome, as well as from other PAs (e.g. PA 5) Together with the existing information of PA 7 – WG R&I, we will have a comprehensive picture of research capabilities in Danube Region (milestones 1, 9)
Thank you for your support and input DANCERS and PA 7 Thank you for your support and input Acknowledgment: This presentation was given based on the work of WCL in DANCERS (Walter Reckendorfer, Eva Feldbacher, Wassercluster Lunz, AUSTRIA), E-mail:, and of Adrian Stănică (GeoEcoMar, ROMANIA, email: