IT'S TIME TO PLAY Acute Renal Failure
Family Feud Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5
TIME TO PASS What causes ARF? Total Points: 100 Damage from medicines, poison, or infection 1.) 50 Blockage of the kidney (Kidney Stones) 2.) 30 20 3.) Decrease in blood flow TIME TO PASS SCORE Try Again
TIME TO PASS Symptoms of ARF Total Points: 100 50 Pain in the back 1.) 50 Little or no urination 2.) 30 Swelling 20 3.) TIME TO PASS SCORE Try Again
TIME TO PASS Treatment for ARF Total Points: 100 50 30 20 Dialysis 1.) Dialysis 50 2.) Medication 30 3.) Kidney Transplant 20 TIME TO PASS SCORE Try Again Try Again
Dietary limitations for ARF Total Points: 100 Dietary limitations for ARF 1.) Less Potassium 50 2.) Less Salt 30 3.) Less Phosphorus 20 TIME TO PASS SCORE Try Again
TIME TO PASS Total Points: 100 50 30 20 About 20 Million Americans How many Americans have a kidney disease? Most common form of kidney diseases? How long can someone live with kidney failure without treatment? 1.) About 20 Million Americans 50 Diabetes 2.) 30 A few days 20 3.) TIME TO PASS SCORE Try Again
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Who is more likely to get a kidney disease? 50Points Tiebreaker Who is more likely to get a kidney disease? African-Americans Native-Americans Asian-Americans