Voluntary services between the state and civil society Prof. Gisela Jakob Contribution for the conference "Volunteering in Europe: more than a challenge!" on 5-6 October in Vienna Prof. Gisela Jakob Voluntary services between the state and civil society
Voluntary services between the state and civil society Introduction Long tradition of regulated voluntary services in Germany Connections to the changes which have occurred in compulsory military service and alternative civilian service From a niche sector into an established institution Since 2011 (suspension of compulsory military service) upgrading and extension Now around 100,000 places Voluntary services subject to state interference Prof. Gisela Jakob Voluntary services between the state and civil society
Voluntary services between the state and civil society 1. Youth voluntary services regulated by law 2. Other youth volunteering programmes 3. Federal Voluntary Service Voluntary Social Year (since 1964; 50,000 places) Voluntary Ecological Year (since 1993; approx. 2,500 places) International Voluntary Service (since 2011; approx. 2500 places) European Voluntary Service (since 1998; approx. 1,000 places) weltwärts (development policy) + kulturweit (international cultural policy) (since 2008-2009; between 2,000 and 3,000 places) non-regulated voluntary services Since 2011; 60% young people + 40% over the age of 27 Approx. 35,000 places Organised by the Federal Office for Families, has tasks related to civic society Prof. Gisela Jakob Voluntary services between the state and civil society
Volunteering as a way of connecting engagement and education The assumption of social responsibility facilitates learning + education Youth voluntary services in this transitional phase of their lives = fitting to volunteering Education not only as vocational education, but as a comprehensive educational process: personal, vocational, social, intercultural, self- efficacy Prof. Gisela Jakob Voluntary services between the state and civil society
Taking stock: upgrading and expansion Transfer of the funding from alternative civilian service to voluntary services Expansion of all voluntary services: approx. 100,000 places New International Voluntary Service 60% women and 40% men New facilities and organisations (tables, ambulance service, disaster relief etc.) Public and political upgrading Prof. Gisela Jakob Voluntary services between the state and civil society
Voluntary services between the state and civil society Ambiguities I Voluntary services as a key instrument of the state's policy on volunteering €200 million from the federal budget (of which €167 million for the Federal Voluntary Service) Tendency towards their instrumentalisation as low-cost services Problem: labour market neutrality Prof. Gisela Jakob Voluntary services between the state and civil society
Voluntary services between the state and civil society Ambiguities II Voluntary services as a tool for state interference with civil society A Federal Office as the main holder of responsibility for the administration and management of the Federal Voluntary Service Weakening of civil society organisations Prof. Gisela Jakob Voluntary services between the state and civil society
Voluntary services between the state and civil society Perspectives Strengthening volunteering as a way of connecting engagement and education Facilitation of comprehensive educational processes Education for civil society and democracy Organised by civil society Prof. Gisela Jakob Voluntary services between the state and civil society
Thank you for your attention Contact: Prof. Gisela Jakob Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences ++49.6151.16-8967 gisela.jakob@h-da.de Prof. Gisela Jakob Volunteer coordination in organisations and at local authorities